Introducing WearTesters Deal pages…consistently updated pages for each brand or retailer dedicated to current, verified sales, promo codes, and offers.
What are WearTesters Deal Pages?
The WearTesters team is just like you (and the majority of our readers), always hunting for the best sneaker, apparel, and sporting goods deals. Since we’re already doing the work of the finding the best deals, we’re now going to collect them and update the appropriate deal page as soon as possible.
The pages will be transparent. Any time there aren’t any current limited time deals available, we’ll say so clearly and near the top of the page. We don’t want you wasting any time hunting for the promo code or link on a cluttered page. The pages will also always contain links to the brand or retailer’s sale and/or clearance pages. Having those link should make it easy for you to access whatever’s on discount. Any time you want to browse sale items to see if anything interesting has been added, just click into one of our deal pages and you’ll be on your way.
We’ll still try to get deals out to all our readers via Twitter and Instagram, but we know how hard it is to keep up with all the social feeds in your life. The WearTesters Deal pages will give you a set location you can bookmark and check for updated deals. That should come in handy when you’re considering making a big purchase or when you need to buy a gift.
As you all of you know, sneaker and apparel companies don’t do regular sales. The sales happen at fairly random intervals, around certain holidays, or when the brand/retailers needs to get rid of inventory. Now, keeping track of when those sales happen is something you can let us do.
And if you’re wondering when the next sale will be for the brand or retailer of your choice? Ping us on Twitter and we’ll do our best to give you the inside scoop.
To check out the deal pages, either click Deals on the menu bar above or look for the brand or retailer you want in the list below. Good luck bargain hunting!