2014 is already off to a great start and Nike has changed the game, yet again, with the Nike Zoom HyperRev.

Absolutely zero complaints… I enjoyed every minute in these things.
Forefoot and midfoot lockdown are both pretty impressive for a shoe made entirely of mesh and this is the first time where you can literally feel the Dynamic Flywire doing exactly what it’s supposed to… keeping your foot supported & drawn into the base or footbed.
The heel feels a little loose at first as well but thats because you need ample time to adjust the strap to fit you properly… straps that high up are always a pain in the butt until you figure out that sweet spot to harness it down.
Overall, I was more impressed with the fit that anything else… I thought for sure that this was an ankle injury waiting to happen – if you have weak ligaments than it very well could – but I found them to be perfect from a personal level.
If you wanted to try them out for yourself then you can grab the Nike Zoom HyperRev now at FinishLine.com in select colorways.
Hey nightwing, do you think the hyper revs would stretch over time or no like the roshe runs did or no?
The mesh doesnt seem to stretch much at all at the moment but Im sure its possible. Longevity of the product is uncertain.
Wish these released before the basketball season.
NW did u wear the zoom revis last year? If so would you say the zoom air on the hyperrevs are compatible to the zoom revis? I’m just trying to compare the zoom air to a recent nike release
good to read ur review about these, will have to try it out. wonder if nike will ID these?
Lol for once full score on the ventilation
I don’t know if Nike used real “Full Length Zoom Air” on these, since I’ve heard a rumor says Nike used a weird shape Zoom Air bag on Hyperrev
Here’s a picture of different Zoom Air bags. As you can see in the front row there’re three Zoom Air bags, the right one is what they used on Air Jordan 12, while the left one is what that rumor was talking about.
I can’t wait for long-7 to deconstruct these.
I checked the actual shoe and inspected the midsole and the unit through the window and that probably is the type of zoom unit used but if you take a look at the base of the shoe and where the unit is placed relative to the midsole which is somewhere in the upper middle area you can see that the “regular” zoom unit would not fit unless it was placed directly under foot and be quite thin because the midsole thins out at the arch area. So the actual midsole design seems to have necessitated this shape of zoom unit, I’m not saying there wasn’t any cost cutting but I’m saying that they couldn’t use the “regular” shape zoom cause it couldn’t fit.
NW, would you say these are comparable to lows in terms of support?
R these the best ventilated basketball shoes of all time?
Ventilations first 10! I didn’t think it would ever happen.
I’m hoping to get these soon!!!!
That score card tho…
I can’t hardly believe it myself lol.
i hope no one like these so i can get them at sale. haha. but nightwing just reviewed them and good luck to me on getting things on sale. haha!
I got them for 100
promo code with footlocker!!! killer deal
Hello, goodbye Anatomix Spawn.
I think he likes the Anatomix spawn better overall. but there are some things that are better about the hyperrevs. The Anatomix Spawn was second on his list last year
How would you compare the traction of these with the kobe 8s?
These performed better on more courts than the Kobe 8.
Maybe u give to many 10
If traction is batter than kobe 8
Than its better than cp6
Wow xD
The traction on the Kobe 8 is a solid 10/10, the rubber used here is a little better on more surfaces. Same with the Air Jordan XX8, those have better traction than almost any sneaker out. Diff rubbers do diff things but if they all provide a player with perfect traction then what shall you suggest one does with a score? Possibly make you own reviews? XD
which ones do you personally prefer more, these, cp3.vii or the crusaders?
thanks for the review
CP3, then these then the crusader.
Thanks for the reply
One more question… Do they ride lower than the cp3.vii or higher?
I asked the same question basically and he responded that the ride really low.
A little lower. The HyperRev looks chunky but they arent, just has a blocky midsole design.
yes I read it to but my question was in comparison to the cp3s. thanks
Great review NightWing. Just looking out – on Chrome and Safari for Mac, there’s some formatting issue with some of the sections being shifted to the right. Maybe it’s an easy fix?
Keep up the great work!
Yes when some 1 geta lOts of replys
No – sorry, I meant in the actual article text. the ‘Cushion’ and ‘Support’ section are shifted right. It looks like maybe because of lack of spacing after prev paragraph.
I tweaked it a llittle, let me know if that fixes the issue. Thanks!
Cool – the ‘Cushion’ section is fixed; but the ‘Support’ section is still shifted.
I know when you put in all that effort, you don’t want small distractions to take away from the content quality. Thanks again.
How about now?
All fixed!
awesome, thanks!
G’day NW. Just a quick question regarding these shoes and orthotics. Do you think placing an orthotic in these shoes would affect the support and fit? I’m liking a lot of the new shoes that Nike are putting out like the Kobe 8 and Lebron XI, but ufortunetly they don’t seem to be all too user friendly for someone who has to use orthotics….
Only shoes with drop-in midsoles have issues with orthotics. These have standard removable insoles, shouldn’t change anything as far as attributes but its best to take your orthos to the store with you when you try them on.
Thanks for the reply. Now all I have to do is wait for these to come out in Australia so I can go try a pair on!
im from adelaide and they have them at footlocker, not sure how much tho
“If you have 100% healthy ankles then you’ll likely be fine.”
Will they be 100% healthy after 2 hours of wearing these?
Besides the lack of lateral support I worry about the lack of protection on the toe box. I like my toenails where they are.
Your toe nails will be just fine and my ankles arent 100% healthy right now and Im still playing perfectly fine.
What would you prefer more on outdoors? cp3 vii or Hyper rev?
The answer to that question was gone over in the review a few times.
Cp3.vii but I wouldn’t recommend either. Just get some 40 or 50 dollar shoe from last year because all shoes will get destroyed on outdoor courts so it’s not worth replacing 100-120 shoes every few months
Great review, keep it up NW!
Gonna have to try this out, never had an all mesh shoe haha
Some of these questions man it’s like people don’t read or watch the review they just hop on and ask a question that’s been answered multiple times. Gotta be annoying.
OMG NIGHTWING how did u get one of those Dr Drain hoodies ive been looking all over for one where did u find it?
I am looking to get the hyper revs as my super fly 2’s just had the cursed popped zoom bag on my left shoe.
My super fly twos fell apart and the air bag popped as well they were a really good cushioned shoe and helped me explode through the defense so I ordered the hyper dunks I hope they work for a little bit longer duration
How do you tell if the zoom bag is popped on the superfly 2?
i like the shoe. but i only play outdoors– we don’t have indoor courts in my area– and i’m afraid the zoom bags might pop. :\
The zoom bags wont pop here. They are protected by a hard TPU window. If anything, you should be more concerned about wearing down the outsole too quickly.
Sick Hoodie NightWing
hey NW, been waiting for the review before i cop..one question though, is it true to size?
This is a weird shoe for me. This is the first time I’ve gone half a size down for any hyper/non leather model. It just feels too long in my regular size. It is super comfortable though and your review was spot on! Great work as always. Looking forward to the Crusaders!
very nice!!!! you are really banging out these performance reviews man…Glad to see these performed solidly…and I’m not huge on ventilation, but a 10/10 is rather impressive
Hey nightwing I’m about to get a pair of shoes and I’m down to kobe 8 or hyperrev which one do you personally approve? thanks
hey nightwing great review like always just wanna ask what shoe will last the longest in indoor courts, because i literally burned though my 28s :((
Indoor?!?! That’s a typo right? I’m not NW, but I can give you some of my input. It’ll be kinda tough to find a “better” shoe because the 28’s have a fairly hard rubber. I mean, you could try some XDRs. They could attract dust more, but at least they are tougher. Jordan 1s have fairly sturdy outsoles. There are literally a bunch of Jordan 1 mids sitting on shelves of Foot Locker, Finishline, Champs, etc… Replace the insole if you want more cushion. Hyperdunks, Hyperfuse, most of the Fuse-based Nikes, and the retro adidas shoes have pretty sturdy outsoles IMO.
like I’m not kidding i play kinda a lot haha the front of the rubber of the shoes r coming of already :((
Sucks that this isn’t suitable for outdoor.
Hey Nightwing,
Would an ankle brace like the adizero speedwraps affect the fit of the shoe? more specifically around the collar and the strap?
Thanks before!
Hey nightwing, so these to the lebron 11’s which would be better? which would be more worth? Im looking for something to play indoors and a little outdoors. Help me out? Thanks
hey NW is it okay to use these shoes with zamst ankle support? How will it affect the fit and is it enough to prevent ankle injuries?
It’s AMAZING how NW can still manage to put up these great reviews when he has a child to deal with, a family to care for and a job. I just have to give full props to you man, you’re incredible! I appreciate all the work and time you have put in on this site and definitely can say you’re the MAN at performance reviews.
I’m totally getting this pair of shoes after your very clear and well-rounded review. I really appreciate that Chris.
I might as well buy a pair but after I get a pair of retro 10
Will these shoes work with the Adidas speed raps I am a center and like the support they provide.
Another awesome review. Tried to fit these at a local Nike store and it felt a bit tight even if I was wearing thin casual socks. They felt great on feet walking around. I might have someone buy them over there in the US for me. It costs almost $200 over here. lmao
would you wrather wear the melo m10 or these i dont have enough money to get both
Tried these on today and was plenty surprised at how comfortable they are out of the box. The zoom was pretty awesome for me – it felt plenty springy. Not XX8 springy, but definitely good. I was surprised I liked the feel of the hyperrev much more than the M10s. Might have to get a pair of these and another XX8 SE colorway while I pass on the M10s. I was sure going into the store I’d get the M10s over these. Funny.
Does the fuse on the lateral part properly contain your foot on lateral movements like kickgenius said with the Lebron 11, or is there a very slight lag time. Also, you still prefer the xx8 over these right?
Foamposite and Fuse containment are two totally different things. Foamposites offer a much stiffer or rigid ride which would contain well but reaction speed would lag whereas a Fuse would contain well and move with the foot properly thus reducing the lag time and increasing reaction speed. These do a decent job, its mesh but had little stretch which was noted in the review.
I still prefer the XX8’s for the time being but I still really enjoy these as well… might be my fav 2014 shoe for a while. Transition was so smooth it was like you werent wearing anything at all.
Love your performance reviews. Since I first saw the HyperRev I thought it’ll be a decent shoe to ball in, can’t wait to get my hands on a pair.
Hey nightwing! are u still gonna make a top performance list for positions?
Nightwing, so far this shoe has caught me, but im afraid of the support. I mean my ligaments arent that weak, but i have had past experiences with ankle injuries, would you recommend this for me?
How are these for big men and how do they compare to hyperdunks.
Hey nightwing, so these to the lebron 11′s which would be better? which would be more worth? Im looking for something to play indoors and a little outdoors. Help me out? Thanks
Hey Nightwing, i recently tore my some ankle ligaments in october and was wondering if I should go try the hyperrev’s or stick with my Kobe 8’s that I got hurt in for spring season. I wear an ankle brace with my Kobe’s now btw but I know I probably can’t use it with the hyperrev’s. Thanks!
Injury update: HOU vs. SAC
Rudy Gay out of the game with a suspected achilles injury
DeMarcus Cousins out of the game with a severe ankle injury
adidas must be behind this
That’s my hintch also. If I’m not mistaken the designer of the Rose line transfered to Nike. I smell #sabotage.
hyperrev just claimed their first ankle roll victim: demarcus cousins
Personally, I feel that he was way to big to be wearing an all mesh shoe but hey… what do I know lol.
Yeah, he likes guard shoes. I think he’s wearing cp3 vi last year.
If a 7 foot man likes to wear guard shoes, smack him in the face and give him some lebron xs, or right now some ektio breakaways
Go smooch DMC. haha
just got them and tried them on. i went half a size smaller. i have the d wade fly 2’s and i got a 10 in them. But the hyper revs i got a 9.5 and im glad i did. i have thin feet and it fits perfect!
Hey Nightwing,
What do you feel the support is like at the Heel area??
I love the Kobe 8s cuz I think they have the best heel support with the heel counter that makes me feel the shoes are locking my heel down in transition movements..
Thanks beforehand
how is the zoom cushioning on these compared to the zoom cushioning on the lebron x? do they have the springy responsiveness like the lebron x?
No, lebron xs are more responsive, but these are smooth which is great. Though Lebron Xs have a much more springy zoom setup
Reminds me of a basketball version of the Jordan turner dominate pro
Is that shoe worth getting? Do you have a pair?
Do you think it would be okay to go up or down half a size? I was looking at them on ebay and they didnt have my size. So if so would you recommend going up or down half size if needed?
I wouldn’t go up with these. Stay true to size or go down 1/2 size. If you have a loose fit with mesh then you’re just asking for an injury.
I got these sneaker. Damn its one of the best that I have. Very light and easy to fit
NW they fit me fine.. just the strap doesn’t go all the way around. Should I go up half? or should I be fine if the strap doesn’t go all the way.
You should be fine.
I purchased the Nike Zoom Hyper Rev for my 14 year old son and he is complaining that he has little traction on the court with this shoe. He plays a 3-4 so he is not the quickest. In fact, I thought he was just trying to get me to buy him a new pair of basketball shoes but after last evening’s practice, he complained that his legs were tight after trying to run flat foot throughout the entire practice so that he could get traction. Usually, I reserve an opinion about things but after his statement, I am assured he is not “pulling my leg”. Your thoughts?
I had the same problem with the hyperrevs traction but after 3 or 4 practices the traction finally got better. I think it’s because new shoes, out of the box, have a very thin “plastic” coat over the soles, but once that coating disappears the rubber hits the hardwood and it’s all good from there. I’ve heard that if you want to break in the traction faster, you can play outdoors for a little bit before playing indoor.
Same issue. Today I wore them for the 5th time, and they did a little better. But it seems like dirt and dust are sticking to the rubber like glue. Anyone else have that?
Hey, nightwing. Would these be a good performance shoe for me due to my flat feet? Please respond. Thanks so much.
These have minimal arch support built into the shoe so if you need more than minimal then an ortho insert can be used as they have a removable insole.
These feel AMAZING. I was a little skeptical but full length zoom was calling me and these did not disappoint.
Nightwing,these or XX8 SE for overall? Im working at a rec for the summer and I need a good basketball shoe that can double as something comfortable to be all day in. I have a wide foot also.
xx8 SE’s – Look no further. These are a Pain to get on your feet. If I was you I would also consider Superfly 2 or Melo 10
After a month can you say that they are durable or not?
Kick Genius did an update and showed holes in the mesh upper. Me personally, I was like hell no not for $120. Tons of NBA players are rocking these in various PEs though.
Hi NW,
Great review. I’m a guard but since I torn my ACL and sprained my ankle, I started wearing Lebron XIs. I really loved your review on the HyperRev but just wondering will wearing an ankle brace affect the fitting of these shoes?
Thanks a lot.
Saw these at house of hoops today but I didn’t get a chance to really look in at them in depth. Do you think I could put the inoles from a pair of roshes in these?
I have tried on 5 different Colors, These are a Bitch to put on.
They are one fifth inch (half centimeter) longer in the forefoot: is it normal or you think I should go down half a size?
One fourth of inch sorry
And very little large (i gotta lace them up very tight so as to be sure my foot doesn’t slip)
Hey nightwing. For the hyperrevs did you play outdoors first? Cause my brother says the traction is so slippery and I just thought if you go outside first you can make the traction a bit more pliable and grippy. Did you do that first? Thanks.
Hi.NightWing, i need your advise. I’m wide footed. Does hyper rev recommended for me? As of this moment i’m using lebron soldier 6.
Ive heard some wide footers have issues getting their foot inside the shoe but once its in there then you should be fine.
Hey Nightwing, I have had these for about a moth now and been ballin in them for about 5 days a week. Everything is great except for the traction. I’m always slipping and I play on moderately dusty courts. I have the black/wolf grey colorway. How is the traction on yours so good? I also have the Kobe 8’s and they perform great with traction on all court conditions. Thanks!
It could just be the courts finish that I played on. Even on the 24 Hr courts (VERY dusty) they played extremely well. A few of my friends grabbed pairs of the Rev as well and they play on that same court and love them.
NW!! I cant decide which i’ll gonna buy. Cp3.VII? Hyperrev? Or jordan XX8 se? Because all these shoes are same amount!!. Its driving me crazy haha. BTW im from phillipines. And im a fun of your reviews
Alright! Thanks a lot for replying NightWing! I really appreciate it!
can it last long in outdoor?
I’ve bought them quite recently and although they felt to be fitting just fine in the beginning ,after two weeks of using them either in practice or in games(always indoors) , my feet gradually started suffocating inside and to illustrate my point, a big blister was created between my ring and little toes on both feet. I have to say that I’m a bit wide-footed and a bit heavy built ,playing 3-4 in court.I had to turn to my LebronX again which despite being worn out saved the day for me! But since they won’t last long ,I have to find an alternative!Which is…..?
What do you think of Nike using Flyknit for the shoelace holder? I noticed they use this for most of their newer models. I really feel it gives way to the life span of the shoes. since 1 holder snaps and you can’t really use the shoes anymore.
Does an enclosed cement court count as an indoor court?
Not really. Indoor should be hardwood most of the time.
Would you recommend these if you have had previous problems rolling and spraining your ankle?
Hay man, just wanted to know if i should get my true to size with the hyperrevs? ive been balling in the cp3 6s for 7 months now and they are too true to size (size 9) should i get the same size as the hyperrevs?
P.S im ordering online on eastbay because im from New Zealand
I’ve got both shoes in 9.5. The CP3.VI fits perfect. The Hyperrev has plenty of dead space in it. If you want it to fit more securely I’d suggest half a size down.
Is the hyper rev narrow? if I wear size 11 ) in the adidas crazyquick 2 what size do I get? Appreciate the work NW keep up the good work. More power to you
I don’t know how I could compare the fit to the crazyquick 2 since I don’t have them yet but personally I found the hyperrev to be a bit wide to my size 9.5. I wear a 9.5 in Jordan XX8 and CP3.Vi and they fit perfectly.
nightwing2303 which would you recommend, HyperRev’s or Kobe 9’s em with overall performance and durability. I really need your help
For overall performance, with the hyperrev you get one of the most comfortable hoop shoes out with good traction but it doesn’t seem to be too durable. The kobe 9 em has better traction and is more durable. Hyperrev is 120, Kobe 9 EM is 160 I think. The rest is your choice.
Hey Nightwing, or anyone really, I just a bought a pair and they fit (got them have a size smaller and there still a little big but that’s how I like it). The thing is, the strap isn’t big enough to wrap around my ankle. Should I get a size bigger? Or just leave it the same and deal with it.
Hey nightwing, or anyone really lol. I got a pair the other day and everything fits fine with a little extra room in the toe. The only thing is, the strap doesn’t go ALL THE WAY around my ankle. And the shoes already a little big but that’s how I like it. Should I go have a size up? Or deal with it and leave it?
Hey NW, which is the more supportive shoe overall for a lightweight, slashing guard – Hyperdunk 2013 or Hyperrev? Thanks man love your reviews.
What is better this or lebron 12 as far as traction is concern?
Hey Nightwing,
Which shoe has the best traction between the hyper rev, curry 1, and rose 4.5?
Hey nightwing i have a few buddies who copped these and said their ankles hurt after play. did you have this issue?
I didnt have an issue with it personally.
Hey nightwing!
Can you please help me….which one should i buy? HyperRev 2014 or HyperRev 2015 or Zoom soldier 8?
Please help!
dear Nightwing.. can you change the scoring system of the old performance reviews to the new one, it’s a little confusing if U want to compare those shoes now.. (|^^)