The Beijing Higher People’s Court has dismissed a trademark case between Michael Jordan and Chinese brand Qiaodan. Jordan asked Chinese authorities to revoke the trademark of Qiaodan Sports Co in 2012, accusing the company of misleading customers about ties to Jordan Brand. “Qiaodan” is actually a Chinese version of Jordan’s name, but it isn’t the only transgression of the Chinese brand. Qiaodan’s products also feature branding very similar to the iconic Jumpman.
According to Yahoo News, Jordan appealed to the Beijing Higher People’s Court after having the case dismissed by a lower court in Beijing. The former court has now ruled against Jordan. Chinese news outlet Sohu cited a transcript of the verdict which said “‘Jordan’ is not the only possible reference for ‘Qiaodan’ in the trademark under dispute.”
Additionally, the court said that ” ‘Jordan’ is a common surname used by Americans” and that since the logo was a person with no facial features it was “hard” consumers to identify it as Jordan.
China has been dismissing cases like this for years. The outcome of this case may have been drastically different had it been heard in a U.S. court. Check out one of Qiaodon’s shoes (which looks exactly like a New Balance 574) and let us know your thoughts on this ruling in the comments below.

Source: Yahoo News.
I think this is a bunch of CRAP. That company blatantly ripped MJ’s name AND that logo is a shitty trace of MJ doing a layup. I know I have the Upper Deck card in my collection that is the same exact pose. Chinese companies get away with this all the time though.
Yeah I mean look at that blatant 574 rip off.
Does anyone know if they actually make quality products?
Guy you’re killing me haha I have no idea. I’ll do some research.
I don’t think anyone would mistake that logo with the Jumpman. Now, the shoe itself looks exactly like New Balance. Unfortunately, NB lost a court battle in China and NB actually had to pay the Chinese Co. money.
that is the worst logo EVERR. is that the head of an infant, hilarious
I’m a Chinese but I really don’t like that county. The law and legal system there is a huge joke. Jordan will never win a case like that in China. Sure the government will do anything to protect the local company and business because the company paies tax and give the people there jobs. Letting Jordan win the case not just only make the local government lose a source of income but also makes a first precedent for this kind of cases then all the other companies will follow Jordan, New Balance might be the next. Anyway, saying this at least we can see no QiaoDan’s products overseas, at least I don’t see them in Australian and US market.They can only live and die in China.
Thank you for finding this article and commenting! I agree with you, if they let Jordan win this case it would set a precedent.
Yes, and hopefully the Chinese domestic market as a whole can slowly educate themselves and drive away brands that are rip-off. The laws in China are saintly if you just read them on paper, but the system never implement them with morality or a sense of justice. So for such a case, we can only rely on the power of the market. The “invisible hand” shall do its job over time.
While I hate that China infringes on patents America must take a long look in the mirror. Companies like Nike and Apple that outsource jobs to countries like China and India create workforces that are adept to rip off the technology.
Again I agree 100%. I don’t know what American companies expect.
The only court Jordan doesn’t dominate. Sorry I couldn’t resist.
HAHA thank you for this comment
Things like this are the reason why many Chinese people are actually ashamed of being Chinese. If Chinese people want the respect of the world, they better act like they deserve it. Fighting over for the latest Apple products, covering yourself with luxury brands that don’t match, or just screaming out loud that you are rich (and let’s not talk about how some of these people make their money) can’t earn you any respect. btw, I am Chinese, although I hate to admit it.
I’m Chinese but grew up here in the US since I was 3 yrs. ago. China could be so great, but it’s still a country run by corrupt leaders. I feel ashamed of the newly minted millionaires in China as many lack class and manners. I don’t want to bash my fellow people, but please be humble for what God has given you.
Taiwan FTW!!!