The news is out: Washington Wizards guard John Wall has agreed to return to adidas after being a sneaker free agent for the past few years.
Reported by Yahoo Sports’s Shams Charania, the announcement confirms rumors that surfaced in recent weeks. They were spurred on by Wall rocking the adidas J Wall 1s, his first signature sneaker with the three stripes brand, for the past few games.
Now, according to sources, Wall has agreed to return to adidas for a new five-year endorsement deal. He flirted with Nike and Jordan Brand with his on court sneakers, but he finally landed with the brand with three stripes, marking an end to the sneaker war for arguably one of the most sought after stars in the past few years.
Although the full details for the new deal have not been revealed, it is unclear as to whether we should expect Wall to continue his J Wall line as adidas plans to rotate him back into its star-studded roster.
To reminisce about the performance of John Wall’s signature sneakers, check out Nightwing2303’s adidas J Wall 1 Performance Review and adidas J Wall 2 Performance Review.
Just in case you forgot what John Wall was capable of, check out the video below.
Are you excited to see John Wall back with adidas? Or would you like to see him join forces with other brands? Let us know in the comment section below.
Sources: Washington Wizards All-Star John Wall has agreed to a five-year endorsement deal with Adidas. Wall returns to the brand after testing shoe free agency over the past couple years.
— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) January 7, 2018

for whatever reason, he’s just not a very marketable player, and i’m not sure what will change that really
it also doesn’t help that he isn’t playing that well this season, and that he is arguably no longer the wizards’ best player (both beal and porter stake a better claim for that title this year than he does)
adidas needs to add some sexier names to their roster for real, andrew wiggins has been pretty terrible this year too
Man, Porter isn’t better than John Wall. He’s a good player but he doesn’t shoulder nearly as big of a load as Wall does for that team.
I guess he wants to wear Yeezy’s on instagram now. I thought that Adidas shoes hurt his feet? Isn’t that what he said when he bounced the first time? Those Kobe Bryant shoes he began wearing could probably made matters worse. I remember when he left Adidas, and those idiots on Niketalk were saying, “Nike is where he should have been all along,” funny how Kanye and Pharrell changed all of that noise.
Probably realized that with Giannis getting his sig soon there was slim to no chance for him to get his own sig. Its funny that he’s wearing his old sig though since the tech in those is inferior (with his complaints about comfort) to the Nikes he was wearing and to all of Adidas’ current bball line up.
Really psyched to see this news.
I made some research and from all I could find, neither Nike/JB nor UA made him an offer. He basically spent 2 years wearing Nike/JB shoes that were sent his way.
Both he and adidas got stuck in no man’s land: adidas struck out on Giannis and with Rose no longer a factor, they felt like they “had to” use that money on someone else and Wall with no leverage whatsoever had to go back to the brand he didn’t want to be in the first place since it was the only offer available.
I don’t blame him for leaving the first time. His first two adidas sigs were bland looking and mediocre performers. He really missed out on getting the crazy explosive for #3, though. Its up to adidas now to make him a quality shoe.
As for sales, he may have had too many blah sigs to make a lot of noise among casuals at this point, but if they make a killer performer that looked decent then people who play will definitely pay attention.
Killer performance actually can still move some shoes. The D Rose 8, which received universal praise besides Chris, is actually sold out in its black/gold cw on and at its full retail price. Talk about a forgotten product…it’s gotta be a huge win for adidas.
Dame 4s “Dame Time” (the black on black cw) is hard to find in most sizes online as well.
I can see adidas giving him a solid product and doi g well.
Yeah some forum users are slamming him for leaving. After two completely whatever sigs, how the hell was he supposed to believe the CE would turn things around? If I recall, the J Wall 2 was ridiculously similar to whatever Crazy Quick iteration was out at the time. Don’t forget before they dropped out of basketball, he was stuck with the Reebok sponsorship where he had LOLtech pairs.
It wasn’t wrong for him to feel things out on the market in terms of money and design. Stuff is better now, but it sucked then. Just bad timing.
I’m glad he’s found a place again and this time hopefully adidas does him right. He’s definetly overlooked as an exciting player just on a mediocre team in a low key franchise. Out of all if his sigs, I like the Adidas Jwall 2 the best. I just changed the flimsy insole with my dame 1 insole and they’re perfect. I use them for boxing And they hold up real well. He definetly can be the face of the crazy 8 boost.
Heres something easy they could start with for testing a new sig: a crazy explosive with crazylight 2016-esque continental traction. That seems good for his game(or anybody’s game, really). See if that works for him and modify it from there.
I actually really liked the look of both of his adidas sigs.
Adidas is probably gonna rebrand the next pair or two of Derrick Rose’s shoe and make them the J Wall 3 and 4. Rose isn’t marketable anymore and they’re still stuck with his contract.
Would have loved to see him join Nike, I alway thought there would be a Kobe line branching off of Nike> Kobe Brand> Isaiah Thomas, Derozen, Giannis & John Wall would of made a great group that have been known to be big Kobe guys.
^The problem with a ‘Team Kobe’ is Kobe’s line doesn’t sell enough to justify paying guys 3-5mil range to wear his shoe. Nike is not making any profit off of Kobe’s line, his latest models have been heavily discounted at retail, retail orders for his product are down…(per Matt Powell NPD group)