Overall: Sitting at a retail price of $115 USD, the Rose 773 III offers a decent price that ballers in the market for an outdoor hoop shoe should consider. Thanks to the great ventilation, as well as durable materials and tough outsole, the rose 773 III is a fantastic option for outdoor ballers. Quick guards and players who mainly stay on their forefoot, will get the most out of the Rose 773 III due to the targeted ADIPRENE+ unit, as well as the great lockdown and fit in the forefoot/mid-foot area. Overall I would highly recommend the Rose 773 as an outdoor model, and recommend it as an indoor model for those who are looking for anything under $120
Thanks for the info, will probably pick these up for outdoor use while the crazy light boost will become my indoor shoe
Great review Nightwing. I wish the price was a lil lower to 100, but this would make an awesome outdoor one!
Buying a pair from Ross for $30. Don’t sleep on Ross and Marshalls plus patience. Awesome review especially because I was looking for an outdoor shoe. Time to go play right after this.
great review man. i would like to wait for the low tops of these.
Thanks for the review. Nice to see a shoe built well for outdoor ball. Saw these yesterday. They look OK. I think they would have been much better with the synthetic leather of the Rose 4 Boardwalk’s. They look too plastic-y. The cushion is a deal breaker for me. All of the Adidas shoes I’ve tried recently without boost just dont work with my knees. Traction really isn’t a top priority. Fit and Cushion are. So I’ll pass.
Disappointed. I was looking forward to this, hoping it would be a good enough option for indoor and outdoor, since I’m on a budget and can only get one pair of shoes. I would love the traction for outdoors but the cushion doesn’t work for me outdoors since I’m jumping.
If you’re on a budget for one pair then check out the hd2014s and if that is too expensive check out the hd2013s
adiprene is a polymer though.. not a foam..
Thanks for the review Nightwing! I actually have the Adidas Pro Model 0 as outdoor model for Adidas. Would you stick with these or go with the Rose 773 III for the black top?
NW will you be doing a review on the howard 5?
Great review! One last question. How’s the weight on these, Light, heavy or in the middle?
A very accurate review and a big thank you. Everything you said was exactly true from my experience as well. Thanks again for not holding back on the negatives which many other reviews do and for explaining why the designers may be doing certain construction features for what purpose. 5 stars for a thorough review.