On Friday, President Trump announced a directive that closed the U.S. to refugees and people from certain predominantly Muslim countries. Yesterday, Nike CEO Mark Parker responded.
These past 10 days in the United States have been tumultuous, but things escalated on Friday and over the weekend. Mr. Trump’s temporary ban on visitors from seven countries left travelers stranded around the world, including green card holders, and led to protests in almost every major U.S. city — Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington D.C., San Diego, Houston, Dallas, Portland, Newark, Seattle, Denver, Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco — as well as in international airports all over the country like JFK, SFO, etc.
Four different courts in the U.S. have ruled that deportations based on President Trump’s order must stop; however, U.S. Customs, the TSA, and the White House have ignored the rulings. Thus, people are still being detained.
In response, Nike CEO Mark Parker released a statement condemning the President’s executive order regarding immigration. Inspired by a statement by four-time Olympic gold medalist Sir Mo Farah, Parker said:
Nike believes in a world where everyone celebrates the power of diversity, Regardless of whether or how you worship, where you come from or who you love, everyone’s individual experience is what make us stronger as a whole.
Those values are being threatened by the recent executive order in the U.S. banning refugees, as well as visitors, from seven Muslim-majority countries. This is a policy we don’t support.
Parker’s full statement is featured below. He is among many corporate executives speaking out against the President’s recent executive orders. Stock markets opening today have been hit significantly.
If we can discuss respectfully, let us know what you think about Mark Parker’s statement in the comments.

Source: NYTimes / travislylesnews / Getty
Muslims buy sneakers too!
Ughh I’m so sick of all these celebrities, CEO’s and companies using this as a good will PR move. This isn’t me being political saying anything one way or the other about this subject. But I think a lot of these people are aware of the backlash against this ban and are…..somewhat pandering to the masses, not because they really care and want to make a difference. No, they saw what happened to Uber when they did something that would land them in the pro Trump side and are now saying “hey guys we side with you, don’t worry, you can still buy our products, buy my music, see my movies.”
Maybe I’m being too cynical – but are of these people, who have issued statements or spoken out, actually going to do something to help those effected or to make a difference? Everyone is entitled to their thoughts and opinions but do we need to hear from everyone on what they think?
I agree with you to a degree. I think these people speak their opinion because they have a platform, you know what I mean?
Yes, they may even well really care – but actions speak louder than words.
I agree I would much rather they shut up and actually DO something.
Exactly, these people just wants the public to keep voting their products because of they really cared, they would do something about it.
I’m not the one to talk but I’m just saying I’m on your side of the spectrum.
Buying their products*
Funny how trump and many of his supporters forget how many upstanding and hardworking members of our society are muslim. Although Mark Parker is a CEO I dont think hes just doing this for nike, it sounds too personal.
It’s pretty hilarious because the only people that aren’t immigrants in America are the natives and Mexicans and look how we’ve treated them…
People, clergy, businesses, etc., have historically remained silent in the face of divisive government actions because they feared retaliation from government and/or public scorn. Speaking up right now isn’t a ploy for monetary gain, it’s actually a pretty courageous step. Look at all the criticism and absurd comments Nike has received from Trump supporters following Parker’s memo. That took guts and I hope more people and yes, corporations and larger groups, continue to find the courage to speak up and be a voice. That IS the start of “doing something” about it. We the people, together, must take it upon ourselves to “do something” and continue to support those who have the courage to speak up.
Hmm kinda rings hollow since there was no recorded outrage from Mr. Parker when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months back in 2011.
Kinda how those Republicans cared about deficits all of a sudden once Obama got in but were conveniently silent when Bush Jr was running up the tab. Seems both sides are not immune to hypocrisy it seems.