Dominic Chambrone, better known as the Shoe Surgeon, has been making custom sneakers since he was about 18 years old. Now, he’s opened a school to teach other creators how to make sneakers from scratch.
Today, VICE published a piece on Chambrone, who has made custom sneakers for the likes of Pizza Hut, eBay, DJ Khaled, and LeBron James. He’s even made field boots out of the iconic IKEA bag and Yeezys out of python.
Chambrone’s journey began by meeting Pharrell Williams in New York, but his growing success led him to several battles with drugs and alcohol. These days, Dominic is leading a healthy life and moving past his diagnosis of “bipolar” by imparting passion and knowledge to his shoemaking students.
You can learn all about the Shoe Surgeon, and making your own sneakers, by checking out VICE’s video below.