I think we can all agree that when Derrick Rose went down in the Playoffs we all held our breath hoping his injury wouldn’t be too serious.
Unfortunately it was pretty serious as it was a season ending injury. While brainless zombies roamed about screaming “it’s was the shoes!” Rose has been plotting his return. adidas & Rose have come together to give you an inside look at what it takes to come back from injury in the NBA. You can now watch everything Derrick has to go through in order to make himself NBA ready as quickly as possible.
Take a look at the trailer and wish D. Rose luck!
this dude said brainless zombies… gotta agree though
brainless zombies im only laughing because I know ppl like that.
thats 1 BAD MOFO that whore Nike his whole life until the NBA< what could have been. NIKE F'D up.