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Sneaker Grip Review

We all have issues with traction and grip. So far, I have reviewed a couple of traction based products… some worked while others didn’t.

Sneaker Grip is something different altogether as the Company does not claim to magically give your shoes grip and it does not remove dust and debris from the courts surface. Instead, Sneaker Grip is designed to restore the rubbers natural flexibility to rubber outsoles thus giving your sneakers a longer life span.

Hit the jump for more…


Rubber tends to break down over time and can lose its flexibility. Keeping your soles clean can help but this products goal is to allow the rubber to maintain its natural abilities and it does so very well.

I have tried the product on a brand new pair of shoes and I couldn’t tell if it was working but the rubber was always responsive so I assume it worked. It was with an older pair of shoes where I actually could notice a change and it was pretty cool.

An older pair of Air Jordan XIV’s along with a couple of months of applications and the rubber was not only restored but it was nearly new. The effect the product had on the rubber happens much sooner than a couple of months, however, I wanted to be sure I had enough of a difference to be completely convinced. Suffice to say I was very impressed and I barley used ¼ of the product… all while using this on a few other pairs as well.

Pros – Price and longevity of the product, easy to use, can be used for any indoor sport, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, non-allergenic, non-flammable & non-corrosive.

Cons – The only downside I see is the actual application process. You have to make sure that you are consistent and committed to using the product in order for your shoes to reach the desired affects you wish to achieve.


The 4 oz. bottle is only $10 and you can purchase this over at www.SneakerGrip.com. It can be used for any indoor sport so it’s not basketball specific.

  1. You said to clean the bottom of your shoe before you apply, should I clean the bottom with soap and water or just water and dry it off? Thanks a lot

  2. Thanks to Nightwing for a very good review. One note: you can use Sneaker Grip to clean your shoes as well. Simply spray the soles and wipe dry with a microfiber towel (these usually have no lint). You will be amazed by the squeak that immediately restored to your shoes. To help keep the rubber soft, spray on and let air dry. We have a new website! Please visit http://www.sneakergrip.com... We now have lower first class mail shipping rates too!

  3. Decent product but absolutely zero customer service as I ordered two bottles but they only sent one. Repeated emails to customer service with absolutely NO response back from the company. The stuff is relatively cheap so it’s not that I am out of much money but it’s disappointing to pay for two bottles and only receive one and not get any response back from the customer after at least three separate emails sent to customer support.

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