Well… they don’t suck, that’s for sure.
Although, the traction does… on a dusty floor that is.
Clean floors are wonderful. They allow you to play you style without issues whatsoever. If you play in on a well maintained floor then chances are you are playing alongside happy players – unless you’re losing of course.
Some of the courts I play on are just plain dirty. Some shoes work great – they become my go-to shoe and are always in my bag – and other shoes don’t. These happen to be one of them. The herringbone is nice but it’s not peaked at all which creates less friction between your foot and the floor. Throw in some dust that acts as a barrier between the outsole and hardwood and you end up slipping.
If the court is clean, the traction is awesome… if its debris ridden then you won’t enjoy them the way you should.
If you’l as me…. they kinda want to perform like the Rose 3.5 traction wise since the traction is a little deep herringbone and pure non-marking rubber.
I ball in my candy cane 14’s from a couple years ago and they are perfect
I played in for years my forest green 14s until I have to throw out. The traction was great even for the worn out rubber. The rubber on the green 14s sqeaked. I wonder if there is a difference between the white and the black rubber. Or difference from 06 release to the 2011-2012
Agree with you 100% on the traction, I have a pair o the 06’s, and they feel like a pair of skates on dusty courts. Keep up the reviews man, really appreciate it!
Come on and get this review over with!!! I dont care about any other jordan. I WANT THE XV’s REVIEWED!! Please.