The Nike LeBron 11 Elite releases in a few short hours and my first impression is available for those wondering what exactly is so Elite about the $275 sneaker. Check out the video below and feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
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It’s a shame they increased the price so much. I really like how this one looks.
looking forward to AJ XX9!
Hey nightwing
First of all amazing job on the website so far. i’ve been a follower since those hyperfuse 2010 and lebron 8 v1 reviews on youtube with just you and your table! hahaha. Anyway, it may or may not be relevant to the lebron 11 but, i recently just played in my beat up jordan 2010s and i was reminded of how plush the cushioning was and i truly missed it. of course i love responsiveness but i like that extreme plush feeling sometimes too! anyway, is there any shoe out there right now that plays as close to the jordan 2010 in terms of cushioning and traction? not too sure from the reviews but would the hyperrev be one? Thanks and keep up the fantastic work!
Check the Jordan XX8’s they work very well
These will probably go to outlets/on sale. Maybe then I’ll cop, cause now there are still X elites around going for about 2/3s price.
Ha ha
Ugh nightwing I miss the original intro track…. I think that changing more than the name is a mistake.
The site is too complicated and its hard to just view posts (all the posts) if its possible.. Because I didnt manage to do it..
Any way.. I’m waiting for the performance differences reviews on the elite series
to see everything for a particular site, click the name on the home page. each site “kicks off court”, “kicks on court”, etc is separated on the home page. to see the full site, click the words “kicks on court” or “kicks off court”, etc that is in the top left of the picture in the section on the homepage. hope that helps.
Oh thanks
I am really wondering about the xx9. How much better can jb go. I love the kds though.
I don’t think JB can top the 28s, thus melo’s shoe being the 28 with what….leather and a ugly heel.
Far as these shoes, charge more for less…..Nike the line has been crossed. Going to try a kb9 elite and if the 29 don’t make me run to get a towel…..DONE DONE DONE!
Get that rest NW
looks like something for a kid in grammar school. $75 seems about right
Tried these on today. Definitely lighter than the regular XIs. Toe box is more spacious and overall fit is improved over the regular XIs. Just walking around it felt like the transition was improved too. These also look better in person than the regular XIs. Cushioning is the same – too bad since the mushy lunarlon mutes the feel and performance of the zoom. Definitely not worth spending $275 on these bad boys. I will wait until they drop below $200…
not elite but sounds like they are trying to correct the issues that plagued the originals. I hated the originals and despite people saying how comfortable they were, they felt like squeezing the life out of your foot. increasing the size didn’t help much either and after about a size and a half just to get to that great comfort level, I looked liked Ronald McDonald. and I can’t hoop with oversized shoes and just see myself dribbling the ball off my shoes. for $275, I’m better of with 2 Melo X’s.
You know the funny thing is that I’ve found that when I buy shoes in xdr versions on ebay from overseas from sellers like id4shoes in Taiwan, they fit different. That’s been the case with at least 3 shoes that I can remember including the Lebron X BRED XDR, the Jordan Super Fly 2 BRED XDR, and the Lebron XI Graffiti XDR. I wonder if the shoes are made wider overseas or if it has something to do with xdr versions. But I’ve had the USA releases of all of the shoes that I just mentioned and then bought the xdr versions online after returning them and the size difference was noticeable immediately.
And by different, I mean that the xdr, overseas versions have been noticeably more comfortable.
Do the XDR soles make a difference? I played in the reg Lebron XI’s outdoors and the sole is worn down in a couple of sections after one night! So, I was wondering if it’s worth getting a XDR sole Lebron.
Wait and see
you meant the XDR have a much wider base? for the North American releases, the toebox area is pretty narrow and the height elevation is pretty low. to be honest, I was thinking the thick lunarlon on the XI’s weren’t a perfect fit for the shoes and when I tried changing them with the regular lower profile lunarlons from the Kobe VIII’s there were just perfect but still clunky due to the shoe’s build. they somehow reminds me of the clunky spaceship Kobe’s and TMac’s from Adidas but much worse than those.
personally, there have been a few of what I considered as bad shoes from Nike and that doesn’t help considering how much premium Nike is asking for those shoes. among the Elites, I’d say the KD V’s and LBJ XI’s. the regulars on the otherhand, would be the some of the team Hypercraps. then there is the issue with the XX8’s bottom forefoot warping from the flight plate and the popping zoom bags. thank god the Melo’s that I got so far didn’t suffer such a problem. but somehow I feel that the quality of some of the Nike’s have been going down the toilet.
Yeah, that’s what I meant and I completely agree. Nike hasn’t been what it used to be and the price that is being asked is just ridiculous.
I saw these stilling on the shelf at House of Hoops earlier today. They are dope in person, wow like really dope. I’m intent on letting Nike get burnt and learn their lesson. These have to drop for me to mess with them.