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Dwyane Wade Talks Li-Ning

When Dwyane Wade left Jordan Brand for Chinese brand Li-Ning, many looked at it as a huge mistake. It’s safe to say now that Wade’s brand has been nothing but successful. Now, if we can only get his shoes in the U.S. Check the video below to see Wade talk about his success with Li-Ning and let us know what you think about his decision to make the change.

  1. I have to say that this was a great move. Now he not only has creative say in the designs and quality that is put out, but he has a controlling interest moving forward. Very smart business sense.

    1. hopefully this brand does well enough in china to come to us. wade is basically controlling li ning.

      1. I agree. If he can make his way over here, I believe that there is definitely potential especially with the quality being put out.

          1. Which is why, we probably won’t see them. It’s good for us, not good for the bigger companies.

            Any chance they have of using Wade to draw people will be sucked up in a year or two when he calls it quits. So that being said, they better hurry!

    2. an old 41 year old has 3 pairs WOW and yes thay are plush leather, strange shoe when you think og it cause these are mo fresh than old school J’s. Big Up Li ning dont stop with the heavy leather flavot these are / will become icons

  2. It’s tough to judge the success so far.The brand is STILL loosing money and has been for years now..They made some progress but still lost money.

    Can’t deny the quality of the shoes and that they are trying. They already tried to make a US push a few years ago and that failed. Right now is the smartest choice with the limited releases online to try and get profit and momentum.

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