Ten years of signature shoes for Derrick Rose and adidas Hoops. Is the adidas D Rose 10 the best one yet?

Support is pretty average. Not bad by any means, but not over abundant either. Just enough is in place to keep you safe and secure while playing. The midsole has enough torsion support while the forefoot is exaggerated enough to act as an outrigger first lateral stability.

Mom Overall, the adidas D Rose 10 is much better than the previous model. They’re not quite as amazing as the D Rose 6 PK were, but they’re as nice as the early models the shoe is supposed to pay homage to. If you’re a D Rose fan and wanted to keep your collection going then these will likely make you happy. If you’re looking for the best bang for your buck then there are many other models in 2019 that will provide that for you.