Our cofounders, Chris Chase and Drew Whitcomb, started WearTesters in 2011 because they couldn’t find accurate and informative shoe reviews online.
Today, WearTesters is the #1 shoes, athletics apparel, and sporting goods review site.
We publish comprehensive footwear, apparel, sporting goods and athletic technology reviews. The detailed review and testing process used by our veteran team of weartesters is designed to provide recommendations and insights that help people determine the best shoes and apparel for them. Our primary goal is to help our readers save time and money.
Because of our expertise and recommendations, many readers make purchasing decisions based on the information we provide. Because our readers rely on us for accurate reviews, we maintain independence from brands and offer straightforward and honest opinions on all the products we test.
If a purchase is made using our links, our work is sometimes (but not always) supported with affiliate commissions from retailers. If you don’t like the product and return it to the retailer, our commission zeroes out. We recommend the best products regardless of whether we have an affiliate relationship. All of our retail partners are told our number one commitment is to our readers. Without our readers, WearTesters wouldn’t be where it is today. The trust readers give us is key. It allows us do what we love on a daily basis and we’re dedicated to protecting that trust.
If you have questions that weren’t answered by a review on the site, please email or tweet at us. Our staff loves reviewing your questions and helping you find the right footwear and athletic products.
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