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Jordan Super.Fly 2 Deconstructed

Jordan Super.Fly 2 Deconstructed 4

Jordan Super.Fly 2 Deconstructed 5

Jordan Super.Fly 2 Deconstructed 6

  1. My heartaches every time I see this, but I’m so grateful, because we have seen Nike lie a few times on what’s really in the shoe. Thank you!

  2. yes but I like it when they Flex the Table Carneceria Band Saw and cut down the Middle. Why are there not Vidoes (unless there and I i have never seen one) i imagine the video to sound like Surgery on an Alien by Aliens, a lot of busy peeps running around talking jibberish with a lame VHS Karaoke cassets playing in the background while they get there Kick Chop on’

  3. Does Long 7 ever give any feedback or thoughts on the shoes that he dissects?

    it’d be interesting to hear his thoughts on which shoes he feels are well-put-together and which ones aren’t. Just in terms of craftsmanship, not necessarily the materials and/or technology…

  4. So this shoe is supposed to have a flight plate, but I’m looking at these photos and not seeing one. At least not anything like the plate that was in the Jordan XX8s. Am I missing it, or is it not there?

    1. The Flight Plate is the plastic plate that says Flight Plate on it. Its a pebax plate just like the one used in the XX8 but its thicker for more support and durability for larger athletes.

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