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Earnest Kim of Kicksology.net Explains What a Product Line Manager Does

Edotkim of Kicksology.net Explains What a Product Line Manager Is

If you wanted a better look at the industry, look no further than posts from Earnest Kim (@Edotkim) of Kicksology.net. Earnest Kim has spent more than five years at Nike in various roles, including his first job with the Swoosh as a product line manager. Before his time at Nike, Kim was one of the first performance reviewers, a pioneer for our site.

Anyways, Kim recently wrote a post explaining what a product line manager does, a position that is less known than say a designer or an engineer. His post is a bit long, but it’s definitely worth the read if you wanted more knowledge of the industry. Check out his post HERE, and then comment below on your thoughts of the piece.

  1. Perhaps this may have gone above some heads, but this guy went to work for Nike, after taking a dump on Reebok. In all practicality, if you wish to learn how to stealthily step over a dead body in order to get where you want to go, pay close attention to what this guy has to say, because he is good. Many have tried while in his staid , but it can be said that “Professor K” had broken the “mould”.

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