If you’ve been looking for a way to show off your kicks – besides wearing them – then maybe the all new Rails by ColourwayUSA is just what you’ve been searching for.
These modular shelving units come in black or white, feature three areas for 3 pairs of kicks to be displayed along with acrylic covers to keep them looking fresh and presentable. You can take things a step further by utilizing their vinyl sheets that are printable so you can customize your Rails a bit more. You can check out my setup below (video included if you wish to waste 11 minutes of your life) as well as checking out the other possible ways you can show off your collection by heading to ColourwayUSA’s site.
They happen to have a promo code which is available now through December 12th which will save you shipping fees… something that is more than welcome with something that weighs in at 30lbs. Check them out and feel free to share your thoughts on the Rails down below.
Not bad…. $1350 just to display my Jordan 1-28s for 30 acrylic compartments. I’m guessing this was not your cost. Granted others can be displayed on top..but that could be said of a floor as well.
You picked up a pair of So Cal DRose 4 cool!
I asked this question before, but this might be a better place to ask again.
Those of you guys that have a lot of shoes – How do you store the ones you’re not wearing and how do you store the ones you do wear on a regular basis? Do you have shelves, or do you store them somewhere else in a different way?
i’m in the 300 pair club which sounds like a lot but is not. Storing kicks is almost as fun as shopping for kicks – haha. First of all, your shoes will take over empty space, a cheap solution for loose shoes can be a door hanging shoe organizer where you can find between 8 and 12 pairs for storage. Back in the day i used to just throw all my loose kicks in a crate and jam them in but that is a real quick way to “Dent” your shoes and scuff them up so i do not recomend that. Other loose shoes (shoes were I threw the box out) i get Sinch sacks when i see them on fire sales like for a $1 and find slot for them, i do try to keep everything covered so they dont get all dusty, with all that shelving NDub put up he’s gonna have a Dust project on his hands. The “Container Store” is where you can get those clear boxes you see in Mayer Videos and a lot of peeps use those because you can stack a column 9 feet high with integrity but you then have to figure out what to do with the OG Box. What i have done is bought Modulare Chrome Bakery racks and they sit on wheels, and i stack them up becasue the cheap boxes can only carry so much wight till they collapse and the shoes start sitting on one other. If you got shoes shipped to you and they double boxed them, do not throw that box away and stack them up in those boxes with those at the bottom when ypu build your column. Old School boxes or boxes like Nike iD (there are two types of iD boxes – the drawer Lebron top and the Lid type – are better becasue they have 4 corners and can handle more weight as opposed to flip top boxes which collapse. I also have a shelve like Ndub but only go’s across just 3 feet below the ceiling but cover 3 walls like a “U” so i maximize my space, i went top down instead of bottom up that way you area is managable. Do all this after you have have thrown out your He-Man Skelator castle out from underneath your bed and use that space first.! haha – Like Tribe Called Quest – Find a way.
cool, thats a good way to work off Thanksgiving dinner!!
I don’t follow anyone Mr. Chase. 🙂
Hey Nightwing, great review! Where did u get that sweatshirt?
Not doing it to much money just to display shoes I already built a shelf to display my kicks
Dude that sucks bad man I feel awful now
Hey nw, are those all your shoes already or you still have some that’s not in the video?