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First Impression: Li-Ning Devil Mid

I was able to grab a pair of Li-Ning Devil Mids from HiBasketball.com, an online site that resells overseas releases. If you wanted to check out what my first impression of the shoe is prior to the performance review then check out the video below.

  1. Say man, Ni-Ling is tripping! Tagging these the “Devil” and that silhouette on the heel looks like a baphomet. The heel pillow reminds me of the CP3 VI(Not the A.E.). The angle from the top eyelet to the heel may help with the heel lockdown though. Ni-Ling has spoiled people with the premium materials on the WoW line. It’s kind of challenging for me to look at these with that in mind.

  2. This is where I’ve gotten all of my Wades. They are pretty good with their shipping. I always get my stuff within a week. Good looking out NW with continuing to take your reviews out of the box and away from strictly “popular” pickups. Respect bro.

  3. The logo on the heel is not the logo of “Devil”. It is the logo of Cloud. It looks similar to the “cloud” character in Chinese, which is 云

  4. Also, if NW2303 you are interested in other Chinese basketball shoes, I can get them in cheaper price and send them to you. It’s just ridiculous to me to see people paying more than 50 extra dollars to buy shoes from re-sellers like that hibasketball website. I won’t charge you a single penny since you’re doing a really great job that expands many people’s mind.

        1. He’s with Anta. He wears Anta Badao (霸道)this season.

          Nobody in the NBA wears Devil. Several players in the CBA wear them though.

    1. The prices are ridiculous, but where else are we supposed to get them from? I wanted to try a pair of the Monster series for outdoor play, but they end up being way overpriced. Better off just getting a pair of Nike or Adidas that is on special rather than pay the inflated prices for the Chinese brand shoes.

      I just don’t understand what these Chinese brands are doing. Are they trying to sell shoes outside of the US? How are they going to cut into Nike or Adidas’ sales if you can’t buy their shoes for just the regular price they go for in China? I don’t mind paying $30 shipping on top of the shoe price, but that is only if I could get the shoes for the regular price they go for. I’m not interested in paying an overinflated price that can sometimes be $50 more and then shipping on top of that. The shoe ends up being ridiculously overpriced when you add those two numbers together.

      I looked into that Taobao site that you guys mentioned a few weeks ago, but if I am understanding this correctly, it seems that you have to get a third party shipping company and ship them to somewhere else in China first, and then have that third party shipping company then ship the product/shoe to your country.

      Is that how that works?

      Also, Nightwing does deserve to get the shoes cheaper. I am amazed that he is willing to pay those prices, just shows that he really does put in a lot of effort to review shoes for us all, so I give him big props for that. Having said that, what happens if he gives a shoe a good review (brands/shoes that are hard to get for anyone outside of China) and then the re-sellers decide to jack the prices up even more? In those cases, maybe it’s worth mentioning more often in his reviews on the price point he thinks a certain shoe is worth.

      Peak, Li-Ning, Anta, I think, really need to make it easier for people outside of China to get their shoes for close to retail prices, or do you think that they make enough money and don’t give a crap about this, Wuke?

      1. Well, Anta’s market is limited in China and several other small countries only. And it seems that Anta really only cares about Chinese market since their strategy of making cheap products is working well…at least for now.

        Peak and Li-Ning on the other hand, are trying to become global brands like Nike and Adidas. You can see that Peak is really trying, consider that 8 years ago Peak was only a small brand that makes knockoff shoes, it developed really fast. Give it some time and it’ll get better.

        Li-Ning tried to enter American market around 2010. It was a huge mistake. The Baron Davis signature shoes were only 30 dollars on Eastbay and still nobody wanted to buy it.. It was a strike for Li-Ning, it lost over 2 billion Chinese Yuan due to the wrong strategy. That’s the reason why Li-Ning is trying really hard on WoW’s marketing. They don’t want to make the same mistake again, every single move must be made carefully.

        As for Taobao, your understanding is correct, it’s much cheaper if you send your shoes to a third company and let them ship for you. I wouldn’t suggest you to do it without a Chinese person’s help.

        What size do you wear? If you are really interested in Chinese brands, I could get you a pair without charging extra money as well.

        1. Hi Wuke, I didn’t know Li-Ning had their shoes on Eastbay before. That is the type of retail coverage I was looking at, but if they couldn’t sell them for $30, then I guess that is fair enough with them taking a cautious approach in the event that they do try again.

          I’m a size 11.5 US – Don’t think that is an easy size to get in Chinese brand shoes, is it?

          I don’t really want to trouble you with the 3rd party shipping though. I thought that you could just buy them directly from Taobao and have them shipped straight from China, which is why I tried looking into doing it myself. I was going to try doing it with a Chinese to English translator, but when I saw that you might need a 3rd party shipping company, I kinda gave up on the idea :(.

          Also, I thought that you mentioned before that you were in the US? If so, wouldn’t you have to have the shoes shipped to China>US>Australia? If it works like that, then no way do I want you going to the trouble to do that for me. If it can be done from China>Australia, then that is up to you, and I would be interested.

          In the meantime, I will be more patient as I didn’t know all that stuff you mentioned. I assumed that Li-Ning had never sold their shoes overseas before. Anta, I wasn’t sure about what their strategy is. It seems like they are happy to only supply China for now.

          I really like trying to help the smaller brands out and trying to support them if they have good products, rather than always giving my money to the big companies who usually get lazy and then start upping their prices when they make it big. I like competition in the marketplace over one company dominating and dictating everything. It’s worse off for everyone that way.

          1. Size 11.5.. That’s a bit tough then. I could get shoes from China and let a third company ship it directly to Australia, but the problem is they don’t even sell size 11.5 in China often.. Only a few shoes have that size, I think TP9 Lightning / Battier 8 has size 46 (11.5).

            They do sell big sizes in America/Canada though, but the price is still too high that I can send a pair from China and it’s still gonna be cheaper than buying a pair here..

          2. Hi Wuke, are you on any other forums that I can sign up to and send you a PM? I don’t want either of us posting our email addresses here.

          3. Thanks. I don’t use Twitter or Facebook though, don’t really want to sign up to either. You’re not on any other Basketball forums?

  5. U guys out of China want Li-Ning ,Anta and peak that much??yesterday I came across a Li-Ning shop and saw wow1 on sale,around 50 bucks,low cut through, it’s good price.only that pair is too big for me…
    An idea came up in my mind,since I buy nike,UA from your country and u guys want the Chinese band ,why not we share the resource ? I mean I can buy the Chinese band ones and ship them to u,and also u can do the same with what’s available in your country ?
    Anyone interested????

    1. You probably need someone in the US to do it. I’m in Australia and the prices here suck. It’s cheaper for me to buy the same shoe from the US with $30 shipping added on top. If I was in the US, I would take you up on that offer?

      1. li ning shoes are nice here in america, but there are so many other options like reebok, adidas and nike. It would be great to see li ning being sold regularly here though

        1. A.M
          U r right,sneakers in the states r the luckiest ones in the world,lots of options and ,believe or not,even some Li ning editions r only for US market.
          Li ning r quite commen here in china,but other brands r not,that’s why I came up with the proposal.

      2. Well, if u r interested in Li Ning or any other Chinese items, I can buy what u want and ship it to u. U r size 46 ,that’s not very common here in china and I believe there will be special discount for that.
        After all, doing others good can never be bad, and to be honest as a sneaker I know how it feels when u wait for half a year just to find what u want will not be in ur market.So,feel free to contact

          1. Hi Sneaker In China, I didn’t see this comment until just now.

            Are you on any other english speaking basketball or shoe forums where I can talk to you?

            I don’t want to post my email address here because of the spammers getting a hold of it.

        1. That’s an awesome comment. Out of curiosity, what U.S. models have you been looking out for that are difficult to get?

          I would’ve jumped on the original WoW, but the effort and cost was too exhausting. Li-Ning got it’s act together for the WoW 2.0, I mean this is the endorsed athlete’s(D.Wade) home market.

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