Been telling you guys from the beginning… stop sleeping on Under Armour.

Cushion – Micro G is still my favorite foam cushion currently used in basketball footwear. This rendition isn’t quite as bouncy as the Spawn, but its still a great ride. Very stable and comfortable while providing impact protection. If you haven’t yet tried Micro G then I strongly suggest it. At Under Armour’s price points, there really is no logical reason why you shouldn’t try it… unless you’re loyal to a certain brand.
Materials – ClutchFit is UA’s latest innovation, and they’ve spanned it across their entire performance lineup. I think they’ve even brought it over to some of their apparel. Their claim is that ClutchFit acts as a second skin, which it does, and the material is also pretty supportive. Moving freely without restriction is a key component to you moving freely without restriction. I was a bit disappointing that the upper featured absolutely no mesh, their running line has ClutchFit over a mesh upper which I think is cool, but other than that I really have no complaints. The material does its job and its durable for both indoor and outdoor usage.
Fit – They run true to size. Lockdown is great due to the lacing system and the ClutchFit upper. as mentioned above, the upper is like a second skin do they feel good while keeping you secure. Reminds me of Fuse but much more forgiving… sort of like Nike’s most recent Fuse models only the ClutchFit does the same thing while being a bit lighter in weight and nowhere near as thick.
Ventilation – This is the shoes one major weakness, and it’s because of the ClutchFit upper. Unfortunately, it just isn’t breathable. There is a mesh tongue but that wasn’t enough, at least not for my feet. I received plenty of blisters while wear the shoes until they were fully broken-in, and even then there were blisters. You can wear double socks or remove the Micro G insole and replace it with your old Micro G insoles to speed things up a bit, hopefully that helps. They could have used some mesh zones along the upper, I would have definitely placed one at the toe just so some heat could escape.
Support – The upper and fit take care of most of the support while the plastic heel counter takes care of the rest. Having a flat platform or base helps a lot as well, keeping you stable and grounded at all times.
Overall – A really great shoe, within my current top 5 of the year so far. They’re well rounded, with their only real weakness being their lack of ventilation. But for the price, you really can’t get much better. Premium performance for a fraction of the cost…
will these hold outdoors?
Seriously? lol! I don’t want to be that guy but read the review…please. I’ll make it easier…But seriously…read.
Traction: “To top it off, you can get down with these on the blacktop and they still perform just as good.”
Materials: “The material does its job and its durable for both indoor and outdoor usage.”
Performance doesn’t tell durability and the materials is for the upper, not the outsole. So the traction durability is questionable for the blacktop.
In the video he talks about the outsole outdoors.
Yes, you are correct about the interpretation for the written but he does say that it is durable in the video. Either way, this individual wanted an easy out without reading or watching a provided review. This undermines the effort made by NW who provides these to us for free. It’s a matter of just putting in effort 99% of the time. I’m just making a simple point.
yes i agree
Good point though…
Just to provide reference so that this issue is squashed, seconds 20-32 cover it and he says that it’s durable with regard to either surface (from my interpretation) at approximately the 29-30 second mark.
Eyyyy, what a great way to start my morning Nightwing, with a performance review. THANK YOU!
awesome review as usual. Nightwing have you seen the Under Armour micro G juke basketball shoe? It is basically a $100 anatomix spawn that has comp fit
I have been watching those for a very long time. I really hope either Nightwing or Kick genius reviews it.
Seriously? lol! I don’t want to be that guy but read the review…please. I’ll make it easier…But seriously…read.
Traction: “To top it off, you can get down with these on the blacktop and they still perform just as good.”
Materials: “The material does its job and its durable for both indoor and outdoor usage.”
Great review! I hope this would be released in the Philippines!
its already out in the Philippines at the UA Retail store in Fort Bonifacio.
I feel stupid for not knowing that there’s a UA retailer in BGC. T.T
I feel the same..haha.
already released..check its already there including spawns 2..
another UA store is opening at SM Megamall
How much?
Go to and check it out.
Glad to know that the sole is suitable for outdoor use. Can’t wait for my lows to arrive. 😀
Great review as always. mesh around top. I’m surprised. o0o0 almost top 5… DUN DUN DUN!!! *Dramatic music*
Is this a better performer than the spawns, of less good? Will u be doing a performance review on the spawn 2s?
Nightwing’s affinity to Under Armor…possibly due to Steph Curry and location BAY AREA…but mainly bay area….AHEM* hahahahaa
I was a fan of their products before Steph signed with them lol.
I can’t blame nightwing. Spawns are really performance beasts.
how can a shoe that gives blisters be ranked high?
Each attribute is graded and discussed. I dont think its really that difficult to comprehend how the grading system works.
There’s always one horse that crosses the finish line last NW…. just sayin’
Then your grading system is flawed. No shoe that gives blisters should be that high. I dont think that should be that difficult to comprehend.
Hnic? Your tag alone says you might be that horse
That’s why ventilation got such a low score. It’s because of the lack of it and the results produced. Keep in mind that I just answered respectfully and would expect the same courtesy if you disagree.
If you made the comprehend comment…. No you did not.
Huh? “Comprehend comment”? I do not believe that my name here is associated with such a comment. I even went out of my way to answer someone else’s question with an obvious answer that they would have seen if they had just read the article. I’m not sure what you mean. I simply replied about why the ventilation score would incorporate the blister causing.
Not flawed at all, you just simply don’t understand it. Overall scores are meaningless, you’re supposed to take what you need from the scores and apply it to your needs/ game. What I do is grade each attribute, then I add them together and divide by the total number of attributes graded… this is called getting and average or overall score. That is how the overall works. Now when I say they are ventilated (moisture and friction are known to cause blisters) and the score reflects that… how would it be flawed? You just didn’t understand it.
I get the system but the system is like grading students on a curve. The low score gets lost in the average. What im referring to is your overall wrap up comments. I played ball for yearsNO shoe that gives blusters can be a top five shoe. Your scoring system thus is flawed. Sure its an ‘8’ overall if you dont mind losing skin.
Oh, I get it. Its bc I got some blisters… not bc of the score. So if I hadn’t mentioned blisters but left the score as it was… you wouldn’t be here complaining.
Wow so you run this site/biz woth that condescending bullshit? Godspeed lil buddy
What part about this is hard to understand? He gave you an objective review that put ventilation at a low score because it wasn’t good and it gave him blisters. If ventilation is what you’re looking for, you can look at the ventilation score. Voila. Done.
This is NW’s statement:
“A really great shoe, within my current top 5 of the year so far.”
READ. MY current top 5 of the year. It’s HIS opinion. He did not state it factually as if the scores dictated the top 5 top shoe of the year, he stated his OPINION, which means he probably doesn’t value ventilation as much. If you’re going to bitch about things, at least learn to read or run your own site. Think about it for a moment. He’s not selling you anything nor is he obligated to make you feel good about yourself. He doesn’t need to deal with your BS.
Listen he does thorough reviews and has a good following. When he says something is top five a lot of kids are going to buy the shoe. However this is basketball we are talking about. Blisters are a no no. Therefore i questioned how he could have that opinion. And then pointed out that his rating system , while detailed and nice for visuals is FLAWED. It couldve gotten a ten in every category and a zero in ventilation and still gotten an 8 1/3??? Use your brain and think for yourself. He can get testy all he wants. Aint my reputation. Ciao.
I haven’t been getting testy… you are assuming such without even seeing me speak to you in my own tone or facial expressions. You have made up something in your own mind about me. I’ve replied to every one of your comments just to help you understand where I come from when I use my scoring system. You then get testy with my replies. Why? I have no idea. I could assume this or that, as you have done yourself, but thats not who I am. Only one getting testy is you, bro. Just as JP said, I state that things things are based on my experience and with my time playing in the shoe. 9 times out of 10, its likely the same experience that others have but ultimately its up to the consumer to choose their shoe bases on their needs. You dont like blisters? Dont buy this shoe based on the higher potential that you can get them with the increased moisture. I say it every year when I do my top 10 list for the yr, that all picks are based on my personal opinion and based only on what Id choose to play in. Youre getting mad and rude for no reason. I do use sarcasm quite a bit, but thats part of my sense of humor… ‘testy’ folks (as you call them) tend to get annoyed when folks such as myself use sarcasm. Why? Again, I dont know… I could make up stuff and assume this or that… but thats not who I am. Thats who you have proven to be. Take care and relax a little, I’ve heard it makes life more enjoyable.
Don’t you think the blisters should bring the fit section down? I always thought that blisters and caluses would be due to fit more than ventilation.
If the fit was sloppy then I would have had numerous blisters. Luckily, I only had experienced some blistering as mentioned in the review. The fit was fantastic and really secure, lessening my blisters. This is is why I recommended to double sock or replace the insole with one already broken in and molded to your foot shape… it would help eliminate the issue… and issue I needed to know was present while testing the shoe in order to give an accurate review. Otherwise I would have replaced the insole with one of the many I already have and avoided this altogether.
mmcg, cmon man you don’t have NW’s feet so you would already assume that you’ll get the same blisters he got, NW’s been busting his feet trying to wear and test shoes out for people and you give him this BS. I think your following the wrong reviewer. Why don’t you put yourself in his shoes, and we will BS you like that as well. SMH
MMCG, not every kid is stupid enough to just look at the overall score and buy a shoe, especially since they are probably only able to buy a limited number of shoes per year. Reviews are reviews, you read the review and look at the score and make your own judgment. NW even gave the tip to swap out the insole with something already broken in so you don’t have to go through blisters. READ. It’s. Not. Hard.
NW’s opinions and stated facts are not hard to separate. He makes sure to state that it’s his opinion when he gives his opinion. I’ve seen him love a certain aspect of a shoe to death, yet only give a 9/10 on that category because of something he found. I’ve seen him give the M10 all 10s except for ventilation, and yet it was clear to me he never enjoyed it nearly as much as the score would say he did. Stop being so fixed on the score and read the review.
“I do use sarcasm quite a bit, but thats part of my sense of humor… ‘testy’ folks (as you call them) tend to get annoyed when folks such as myself use sarcasm. Why? Again, I dont know… I could make up stuff and assume this or that… but thats not who I am. Thats who you have proven to be. ”
exactly what did i make up? everything I said is a FACT. Sarcasm, snippiness, dry humor, testiness, how ever you want to spin it dude. You dont want constructive criticism, dont be a public figure.
JP- “READ. ITS. NOT. HARD.” OR is it?
lets read what you just wrote:
1. “NW even gave the tip to swap out the insole with something already broken in so you don’t have to go through blisters.”
– okayyyy so a “top five” shoe which i just bought i should swap out insoles to make comfy? oh ok.
2. “I’ve seen him love a certain aspect of a shoe to death, yet only give a 9/10 on that category because of something he found. I’ve seen him give the M10 all 10s except for ventilation, and yet it was clear to me he never enjoyed it nearly as much as the score would say he did.”
– EXACTLY. thanks for pointing it out what i said in the first place. the scoring system is flawed. DIDNT ENJOY A HIGHLY SCORED SHOE?
do tell…
1. And again, I’ll tell you to read again. HE SAID IT’S HIS OPINION THAT IT’S A TOP FIVE SHOE. There.
2. Scoring system is not flawed just because he scored it high, yet did not enjoy the shoe. It again goes back to the fact that scoring does NOT equal personal opinion. He has his personal opinion on what he enjoys, and yet he also tries to remain objective on the scoring and his review.
I’m done with you at this point. It’s obvious you do not know how to separate opinion from objectivity. I’ll stop feeding you. Ciao.
MMCG, if the overall score bother so much you could calculate yourself using a Geometric mean instead of a arithmetic one. It solves the problem with having a to low score.
Using this system these shoes would get a 6,5 Score instead of a 8,0.
When i dont like a site or reviewer i just leave. No need to rearrange the furniture if it’s not your house just don’t ever come back if it bothers you.
what part of “opinion” don’t you understand, I got a pair and in my opinion, the blisters and lack of ventilation are nothing compared to the performance of the shoe in terms of traction, support, etc
Take note this is nightwing getting the blisters…I think someone else who can wear these wouldnt’ recieve em like he did
But this is about Nightwing and like what Hofmann said, ventilation isn’t the only reason for blister and definitely could be the fit’s problem.
He did say that the fit was great tho. So thats ruled out i guess
@MMCG, the scoring system is not flawed, but the final score is calculated is not ideal. But do you have a more accurate and better way to calculate a final score? That is why Nightwing2303 also gives out the scores of each category and asks viewers to focus on those rather than the overall score. Weighting the categories to calculate an overall score would also not be ideal since not everyone values each performance aspect the same.
In terms of Nightwing2303 stating that this is currently one of HIS top 5, I don’t understand why it would be hard to understand or not valid. (1) It’s his list, so he can choose whichever sneaker he likes. Just as if it were your list, you probably would not include this in YOUR top 5. (2) Although it caused some minor blisters for him initially (I personally had no issues so far), that’s not say it was a chronic issue (maybe it was, I don’t know). Maybe everything was fine after the break-in time. (3) Nightwing2303 has said several times in the past when he does his Top 10 lists or when people ask him what he likes to play in, he does NOT base his choices on the”Overall” scores. It’s simply what feels good on his feet or just simply what he likes for whatever reason. I believe his all-time favorite would be the Reebok Questions. I think everyone would agree it is not the best performing shoe (which he has acknowledged), but it’s still #1 for him. Who am I to say it shouldn’t be his #1? (4) Not all shoes are perfect right out of the box. Many require a break-in period. It’s not unfathomable that a shoe that initially had some “problems” becomes a “better” shoe/performer in the long run versus another sneaker that had no “problems” from the start.
I think Nightwing2303 always tries to be and is objective while doing his reviews. He also makes sure he lets the viewers know when he is expressing his OPINIONS vs FACTS. Usually when you’re talking about a Top List, there’s an element of subjectivity to it.
Just my 2 cents.
I appreciate the point you raise about ventilation and blisters. Shoe sounded good to me before that but not now.
Great review as usual. This definitely piqued my interest in the lows once they release more cw’s. Maybe I’ll poke some holes in it for ventilation too, lol.
I’ve been waiting on the drose 5’s an might’ve tooken these instead but the venelation scares me ha
do you know if there are different heights for this model? i’ve seen photos of a really high high top and some mids.
Nightwing have you seen under armour’s new basketball shoe called called juke. It’s on there website
Just hooped in my pair of lows for the first time last night. Absolutely loved them. Micro G feels better on my feet than lunarlon as well. Thankfully no blisters for me.
How is $125 retail “premium performance for a fraction of the cost?” $120 is how much CP3 VII’s retailed for when they were brand new.
Is the CP3 the only signature shoe on the market? Base it off of an average price point for signature athletes, $150 and up is the primary number. Anything else you’d like to nitpick at?
Didn’t mean to sound nitpicky. Just seemed like $125 was steep when non-signature shoes that perform really well go for less.
You can go to any outlet and find shoes for 50%-75% off as well. Retail price, $125 is low end when considering high end performance models… a $5 difference is being pretty nitpicky imo.
It’s cool, I only used the CP3 as an example because they’re the shoes that I bought and were the first things to pop in my head. I guess I always considered the $120 range as being a medium price rather than a low one.
Holy shit its a KD5
? Your an idiot
Sorry nightwing to me a basketball has to have absolutely no problems related to blisters. In today’s tech there is no excuse. To me these are not a good all rounder. Btw jordan 29 performance review soon??
Moving to UA is probably one of the better decision in steph’s career imo. His ankle problems dissapearance speak volumes.
He still wears braces
He was wearing nike hyperfuses the first year the ankle injuries stopped
Hay! Nightwing2303 is the outsole will not gonna burned up easilly?
Hay is literally for horses.
I was thinking about the jordan xx8 se and the upper had no points of ventilation but it had a mesh tongue pretty similar to this shoe
The upper canvas like material breaths more than this upper. Even if slightly.
Ok thanks for the response
Was looking forward to these shoes but then saw the ventilation score, i really need something with above average ventilation because my feet get really hot in most shoes i wear, anyway cant wait for nike lunar hyperquickness review
Stellar review as always Nightwing. Just waiting on your review on the D.Rose’s Boost joints and I’ll be set to decide between that or this. Thanks for always reviewing in great detail.
My Curry USA’s came in today and they feel great, can’t wait to break em in.
Is there going to be a Adidas Crazylight Boost preformance review?
I just got my lows today, and they feel really low to the ground!
Love it.
Thanks for the review. I might pick these up eventually but getting blisters is a deal breaker for me. After getting back in the game after a long hiatus my heels tend to blister easily. Shoes that you would describe as plush have caused me problems (Rose 4.5, Hyperposite’s, etc… Mostly when wearing no show socks. With Clutchfit being like a second skin I would think ventilation wouldn’t matter since they claim its such an advancement in fit. Growing up playing in the 90’s I’m used to shoes with lackluster ventilation yet many of them didn’t cause blisters. Its a bit disappointing to hear that with all of the advanced tech they cant solve that problem. Maybe I’m a premadonna but comfort is a big part of choosing shoes and if I can avoid pain…. I avoid pain. Its a shame because this shoe sounds like a winner other than that one glaring deficiency.
NW, from the pics it looks like you didn’t lace them all the way up. I only played in them twice and both times I felt a pinching pressure on my Achilles (I laced them all the way up). Maybe I tie them to tight? Has anyone else felt this or had this problem. Besides that I love the shoe, and your scoring on them is spot on. Traction is just beautiful, and the vent is horrid for sure, no blisters but socks were defiantly soaked both times I played. I can live with the vent being bad as its the least important I find in bball shoes.
thx MJ
I laced them all the way up and didn’t have any issues. I like to lace them pretty tight also, so not sure what it is.
That is a pic of me wearing them after playing in them, untied completely. I dont play in them like that, I also didn’t feel any pain while wearing them.
I also believe that this looks alot like the KDV. Did it play similarly NW? And as a side note, it always amazes me how all these people are hating but for some reason they keep coming back to your site…. A little jealous in my opinion lol. Keep up the great work man!
Good review Chris almost exactly what I experienced. I don’t think Chris said he got blisters from these and I certainly haven’t.
I got a couple, nothing serious though. At least not to the point some of these readers are making it out to be. They’re acting as if they dont have a broken in insole from another shoe sitting around.
I think that they don’t understand the breaking in function, Some people just read a review if its good they’ll get then and hop on a shoe and ball like pros. They don’t understand that every shoe is different and not everyone has the same experience in wearing them. Don’t worry NW we got your back all the way here from Philippines.
Appreciate it bro
Night wing. You are great. Is it easy to remove Curry 2 insole in favor of my orthotic?
They do look like the kd 5 and hd elite 2011 but I don’t think they play like them. Much smoother transition with a more flexible ankle area. Cushioning is consistent heel to toe. IMO these play like the kobe iii but with better cushioning and traction .
so nightwing should i even waste my time with the spawn two?
They’re just like the Spawn 1 but the upper is less breathable but more durable. Still flexible. Its up to you though.
Thanks for the info on the upper.
Would the outsole be anymore durable that the Spawn 1s?
The rubber is one solid piece like the lows I reviewed, that was the major change they did during the 1’s original production run bc the individual pieces they used on the pair I originally tested would fall apart. It should stay in tact better, but outdoors it’ll still burn down fast bc the pattern is thin.
OK, gotcha. I thought that it looked a bit different on the lows and also on these. So the first run of Spawns had it in segmented pieces and I guess those are the bits that people were saying that are peeling/ripping off on them.
Thanks a lot, Nightwing. That’s OK if they can’t be used outdoors, but making it one piece is at least a nice improvement for indoor durability. I might grab a pair when they are a bit cheaper just to experience the outsole setup.
Do you think the can beef up the pattern (can it be made thicker or with harder rubber?) on one of their other new models that feature a Spawn like outsole so they can be used outdoors? or not really?
thanks for the reply nw, clutchfit seems more suitable for me i like ballin outdoors thanks for this review
Hey NW, I’ve been playing in the kobe 9 em, and the traction on the 9’s are phenomenal. Comparing the two’s traction, how does the clutch fit compare overall with its traction? Thanks!
width it the same with anatomix spawn?
So Nightwing do you personally prefer the Spawn or Clutch Fir Drive?
Does the upper seem to ‘give’ at all over time — like have more stretch to it at all? Or does it remain pretty much the same?
Just wondering because I’m somewhat between sizes and this might make a difference (swear my size is like an 11.25…).
Hey Nightwing! Great review as always, just one question, is the hardness of the outsole similar to the in nike zoom crusaders’? Thanks
I meant, *indoor
Not sure, maybe slightly less dense but they’re something Id play in outdoors.
Review the Adidas Crazy Light Boost next please.
Nightwing, why do u play in low socks? does the collard of mid tops rub against ur ankle?
Did you notice there are actually 2 versions of this shoe? One with a high collar similar to the Kobe 9s (which Curry actually wears) and a mid collar one that’s being sold at and
Google it and you’ll see. Any word if these will be sold to the general public?
Nightwing, which shoe would you think would be better for a big man who needs impact protection, this or the spawns? my old Drose 3s aren’t holding up anymore.
These are prob more stable than the Spawns unless you have perfect footwork.
Nightwing, i just want to ask,
Finishline have the Blaze orange / hi Vis Yellow on the site but the picture on their site have them with black soles instead of them having a hi vis yellow sole…still, they have the same product code..
the question is, what is the true color of the sole of this shoe?
I noted that also. I guess the black sole is from a sample version…also, did you notice there are actually 2 versions of this shoe? One with a high collar similar to the Kobe 9s (which Curry actually is wearing in the Fiba World Cup) and a mid collar one that’s being sold at and
Google it and you’ll see. Any word if these will be sold to the general public?
probably they are going for,
clutch fit drive low
clutch fit drive mid and
clutch fit drive high
unlike in the past where they have mid and low only
hey NW i just wanna ask how will i know if the shoe is responsive
Hey Chris! Will you review the lows? It’s just that i’m a low-lover.
Hey nightwing,i had a wide feet,and since they are not available in my country i can”t try them,but what shoe do you think is fit similar to them ,so i can make a judgement on the fit issue,fyi my size is 11.5 in all my shoes ,and if they fit similar to aj xx8 se ,then they are not for me
is that black line going down the middle of the traction, supposed to be there for support? like their “spine” line of products?
How are these for people with flat feet?
Hey, great review as usual, i just wanna ask sir night wing sir, when is the d rose v boost gonna arrive? I can’t wait for the review. Hehe
these, anatomix spawn, xx8 or super fly???
I have the Spawns, the Superfly 2’s, and the xx8’s. If you can afford them I would suggest getting the xx8’s. With that said….. If you play outdoor ball the Superfly 2’s would probably be the best bet as they’re the only ones with semi-durable traction. The traction on the Spawns and xx8’s are indoor only. Sounds like the Clutchfit Drive’s can be used outdoor as well but I dont have them so I cant vouch.
While you’re deciding I would check out your local Marshals Department store. Marshals often times has the same products at various stores. The one near me has the all black spawns for $49.99. That’s some serious bang for your buck.
Do they squeak on indoor courts ? I like to hear that when I play
The tongue seems a little thin, is there any discomfort from other people who tried them
Hi nightwing,
Great review as always! On the pair you had in the video, is micro g the black glossy part or the navy blue part of the midsole? I was just trying to visualize how thick the foam is. Is this a firmer ride than the micro g torch? Thanks. Keep up the good work.
Has anyone hooped in these yet? do you feel some pain in the shin area or your ankles? I’m planning to swap my lbj 11’s for these, guess it wasn’t a shoe for everyone 🙁
Hey nightwing! This is my first time blogging in 1 of your reviews but i’ve always considered your reviews whenever Im looking for shoes to buy. I jusr wanna ask if this new UA is advisable for flat footed pipz? I would really like your opinion on this one. Thanx a bunch!
spawn 2s or these???
These all day all year
Can anyone compare the fit of these to something more common? Being in Australia its impossible to find anything Under Armour
Picked up a pair of these last weekend and was finally glad to lace them up and shoot around in them. I play in a competitive men’s league and play either Shooting Guard or Small Forward. After doing some shooting drills and running on the court with these I can honestly say that I’ll be adding these to my basketball shoe rotation. Currently in my rotation I use the Melo 9’s, Lebron 11’s, and my personal favorite the Jordan XX8 SE’s. Compared to the UA Spawns from last year these feel more responsive and at least for me more comfortable and less restrictive around the toe box. I’m going to use them in my next league game. For the price you’re not going to find a better shoe. I’d be willing to say that these beat some of the more expensive shoes out right now.
Hey! Anyone know where i can get these shoes in Europe? I live in sweden and i know both Footlocker and eastbay sells them but the shipping time is 30 days and i need them a lot faster! I also seen that Under Armour sells them from their website but the shipping and taxes cost almost as much as the Shoe! So anyone know any place that ships to Europe with Express delivery avaible?
Would you pick these the Anatomix spawns or the D rose 5
Would you choose these the anatomix spawns or the d rose 5
How do you think these compare to the Adidas D Rose 5? My most important features are traction and support.
Hi Nightwing! Copped a pair of SC PE’s and played in a smooth cement surface with dust. as you said dust didn’t stick to the outsole but the traction wasn’t biting to the floor that much, tho i haven’t tried them on the hardwood and I’m pretty sure they’ll do great there. Other than that everything was just as you said (except for the blisters lol) 😀
It’s bec of your review i got this pair. Awesome work and thank you!
Nightwing I played with this shoe on a dusty court and I needed constant wiping. I was sliding all over the place
Have the same problem too. do you think its all about breaking in the traction?
I have this problem too, I am constantly wiping and sliding more than other players. I tried my kobe 8s on the same floor as the these shoes and the kobe 8s have MUCH better traction. After several months using, today i’m grinding it down w/ some sandpaper, maybe then it will respond better.
Hey Nightwing,
Love what you are doing with Weartesters. I check your site every time I am in the market for new shoes (which seems to be a lot). I had 3 pairs of the XX8 SE due to the fact that the zoom pocket popped in one, and the other two, the zoom pocket basically ripped out and was exposed on the bottom of the shoe. Finishline took care of me so fortunately it didn’t cost me anything. Definitely the best place to buy shoes when it comes to customer satisfaction and defects.
Anyway, I bought the clutchfit drive and it feels very tight in the toe area. Will this break in over time? I love the shoe overall, but I am hesitant to actually wear them considering it feels like my pinky toe is smashed against the rest of my foot. I have a size 14 and stores rarely have that size available so I am forced to have them shipped. Before I return these shoes, I thought I would reach out. So my questions are below.
1.) Will the shoe break in and widen a bit in the toe area? I don’t need much space.
2.) Is the atomic Spawn 2 wider in the toe area than the Clutchfit Drive?
Thanks Nightwing. Happy Thanksgiving.
The spawn isnt wider, the ClutchFit is more neutral fitting than the spawn IMO. ClutchFit is supposed to stretch a bit when needed so they should break-in but everyone is different so I don’t know if you’d want to try it out or not. Maybe if you wear thinner socks, like running socks, they’ll fit better. Under Armour also has great customer service so they may be able to help you out if they don’t fit properly, but Id ask them first to be certain.
do the clutchfits have a micro g insole
I was gonna ask that
Watching the review video absolutely sold me on buying a pair. I’m currently waiting for the Christmas editions and can’t wait to try them.
I have issues with sprained ankles. Is this a good choice for ankle support?
Has anyone who bought this shoe had any blisters other than Nightwing?
I havn’t heard of many others who have done reviews mentioning them.
Hey nightwing, I’m trying to decide on the Jordan 28 that I seen at my local nike outlet store or the UA clutchfit drive low? How’s the overview for each shoe? What would you recommend?
Hey Nightwing! Where did you get those blisters, like in the heel?
No, I got them on the sides of my feet. Like where the ball of the foot is.
Are these out in new zealand?? Or like the high version? I cant find them anywhere
I agree that lockdown, fit and support are strengths of the shoe. I think for outdoor use durability is a concern, the uppers are thin and flimsy. I like the stability for bigger players but they could use a bit more cushioning for bigs. It’s kind of an identity crisis thing, they are built low to the ground and responsive for guards but cut high and built stably for bigs. Makes it a great shoe for guards but just a decent one for frontcourt players IMHO.
Grabbed a pair of these for 50 bucks!
*disclaimer: froma girl’s perspective** haha. — Read most of the comments and I would say, the review is spot on as well as d grading system but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion plus keeps d reviewer on his toes.. but I wish d one who disagreed about d scoring system didn’t made ff up comments coz d reviewers’ explanation is very convincing & tipped d scale for me on his favor. Know when to shut up. On another note, may I know sir NW if the superfly 4, kobe 9 em, & airjordan 29 made ur top 5 list. Saw duke’s review on sf4 and im kinda liking d sf 4 for my guy. Thank you!
I haven’t played in the SF4, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. The XX9’s are awesome too. If you want foam cushion then the Kobe is always a solid option, but for Zoom Air – springy feeling underfoot – then the SF4 or XX9 would be the way to go. You could look into the SF4 Jacquared which has a woven upper – like the XX9 – but uses the SF4 in everything other aspect.