Portland-based outdoor gear supplier Poler has teamed up with Nike SB to provide this ruggedized version of the classic Nike Dunk.
Winterized shoes have been all the rage lately, and this Holiday 2014 release continues with that theme. ‘Rugged Orange’ is applied to the familiar Dunk upper, but many of the other details of the shoe are updated or changed. A rugged tongue, metal lace hardware, and rope laces help give these much more of a boot feel. The outsole and midsole are completely different, with the traditional setup swapped out for the bottom from the Nike Flyknit Trainer Chukka FSB. Speckles on the midsole help add small bits of detail.
There’s no official release date yet, so be sure to stick with WearTesters as updated details are reported. Let us know below what you think of this collaboration.
they have the same sole as the old Nike Garrison Boot.