Good shit man. I think I’ll pick up my pair this week. I had a feeling the tongue would be a problem while lacing tightly though. Noticed the lack of padding there when I tried them on last week.
shoots bro i dint put the “nightwing2303 giveaway nike zoom hyperdunk 2011” for the title on ur giveaway i really home ud consider what i did bro God bless your kind soul your too humble
wahaha thought it would be funny, sorry bro im from canada, MR NIGHTWING its afilagroup leader who posted them comment first, i hacked it to reswitch his time frame of posting a comment then i copied his comment and pasted it as my own, AFILAGROUPLEADER hope you win them giveaway youve been bugging mr nighwing for months
shoots bro i dint put the “nightwing2303 giveaway nike zoom hyperdunk 2011″ for the title on ur giveaway i really home ud consider what i did bro God bless your kind soul your too humble, whos that “louie” guy? he copied my response to you, but any way thankyou for the reviews you do keep going strong God bless
Hi nightwing2303,
I and saw a kid with the hyperdunk 2011’s and when he played the hyperdunks looked very clunky and not movable at all. Is this true? He might have just gotten them and they weren’t broken in….
Also finally picked up some kobe 6’s (lightbulb) and you were right, they are fantastic. You think the Q flights are better? Also I wanted to get the Q flight yotr’s but it seems like they were never released online. Do you know anything about that? Great videos and keep it up!
Also, great to hear about the kobes! I do enjoy playing in the q flight quite a bit. The yotr version was select retailers but I have seen them online. Don’t remember which site but I have seen them.
The Serious Player Only Player 1 Light is a refined, and perhaps even an improved version of Player 1 Plus, which was already an outstanding basketball shoe.
Good shit man. I think I’ll pick up my pair this week. I had a feeling the tongue would be a problem while lacing tightly though. Noticed the lack of padding there when I tried them on last week.
Thanks bro. Hope you enjoy them!
I got mine at the Nike factory store for $39.99 good value and just in time for aau
Where did you get it?
shoots bro i dint put the “nightwing2303 giveaway nike zoom hyperdunk 2011” for the title on ur giveaway i really home ud consider what i did bro God bless your kind soul your too humble
yo brah not cool copying my questions where you from and y u copy my responses to mr nightwing?
wahaha thought it would be funny, sorry bro im from canada, MR NIGHTWING its afilagroup leader who posted them comment first, i hacked it to reswitch his time frame of posting a comment then i copied his comment and pasted it as my own, AFILAGROUPLEADER hope you win them giveaway youve been bugging mr nighwing for months
shoots bro i dint put the “nightwing2303 giveaway nike zoom hyperdunk 2011″ for the title on ur giveaway i really home ud consider what i did bro God bless your kind soul your too humble, whos that “louie” guy? he copied my response to you, but any way thankyou for the reviews you do keep going strong God bless
Hi nightwing2303,
I and saw a kid with the hyperdunk 2011’s and when he played the hyperdunks looked very clunky and not movable at all. Is this true? He might have just gotten them and they weren’t broken in….
Also finally picked up some kobe 6’s (lightbulb) and you were right, they are fantastic. You think the Q flights are better? Also I wanted to get the Q flight yotr’s but it seems like they were never released online. Do you know anything about that? Great videos and keep it up!
They aren’t as clunky as they look. They do take some getting used to but they play well.
Also, great to hear about the kobes! I do enjoy playing in the q flight quite a bit. The yotr version was select retailers but I have seen them online. Don’t remember which site but I have seen them.
Hi nightwing2303, which is better Hyperfuse 2011, or Hyperdunk 2011? Which positions do they fit most?
Id personally go with the Hyperfuse as a guard.
you think the supremes of these would hold up better from a durability standpoint?
Honestly, they should both do well in durability. If you play outdoor a lot or drag your toe the supreme version could be of use to you.
Is there a difference between the Hyperdunk and Hyperdunk Supreme performance wise?
Nope, just the top layer of material is different.
Great review of these Hyperdunks! Which do you think would be better for a guard? The Hyperdunk 2011 or Hyperenforcer XD?
Theyre fairly similar but the hyperenforcer is a bit closer to the ground which is something i prefer.
do you recommend these shoes for a center?
Hey nightwing.. What can you say about this shoe compare with the elite version? Was it totally the same?