The Jordan CP3.VIII AE has already hit retailers, and the Super.Fly 3 PO isn’t far behind.
Much like previous PO renditions, the tooling will remain the same as the regular season shoe. Traction & cushion will remain the same, but the upper has been stripped down to mesh with Fuse overlays. Jordan Brand has kept the Flight Web system for additional lockdown and support, which has been working well on the CP3.VIII AE.
No official release date at the moment, but they have been popping up at shops here and there, so stay tuned for updates.
the upper looks exactly like the kyrie 1 and the kobe x
Not even close
Different color, but they do look like the same mesh/fuse upper as the Kobe X and Kyrie 1.
Its actually implemented just like the original SF3, Kyrie and Kobe 10… smh. Checked them out today. Mesh glued to Fuse.
That blue looks like the J11 gamma blues
Will try to cop both
Will you do a separate review on these. Or do you think they might run the same with the regular SF3? I’m deciding between these sf3 po or Melo 11s
Nightwing I was just looking at kick genius and foamer and their opinion on the super fly was that the zoom bag was painful but yours was that it was fine. Have you talked between each other because the opinion is very differing and I loved the d lil per review. Can’t wait for hyperposite and hyper chase.
I don’t get it, why would they “talk between each other”? The performance review/ tests are based on their own opinions and it can be different for everyone. They are not supposed to talk it out and change their opinions to agree on a side otherwise it’ll be biased.
Hi Nightwing 🙂
i agree… are their reviews supposed to be the same??!! its performance review. its their own “review” of the shoes. its subjective.. its like wats ur own opinion of a certain shoe… kikzonabujet, i think ur concept of reviewing is messed up
I asked how the bag felt different not that that they should change opinions no disrespect it’s just shoes but did y’all ever see me post that they should change reviews and Nightwing love the new stuff keep it coming
We’ve already them!I got to my favourite retailer in Italy and he has the white ones 🙂
I just love’s…. i started on SF2 up to SF3.. (still waitin whats next) i have 2pair each’s. I love the tractions, cushioning, protection, and fit. Kinda wide on forefoot but i have no complaints. Just wanna thanks NIGHTWING for his videos. Man you are awesome!