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The Slang Sneaker App is the Latest App For Selling Kicks

slang sneaker app

This latest app for sneaker enthusiasts looking to move their kicks is here and it’s called Slang. While the video says it’s for any device, I have not been able to locate it on the Google Play store and the link on their site only brings you to Apple’s iTunes Store. Slang has informed me that anyone can buy through Slang via a listing’s unique link, but only iPhone users will be able to list their shoes.

However, Slang does some things really well: first, it helps you take great photos of the kicks you’re looking to move by way of a unique silhouette in the camera viewfinder. Second, the Slang UI is clean and polished–it does not, by any stretch of the imagination, look lie something that was poorly developed. Third, for the less knowledgable sneaker enthusiasts out there the Slang sneaker app has got you covered. It helps find the exact model and colorway of the sneaker you’re trying to sell and included the specific model’s dimensions.

The app brings a lot of things together like price aggregation and shipment tracking, as well as the easy swipe-to-purchase when you stumble upon a pair you fancy. The app also allows you to share your listings to your socials, a nice aid for those looking to move quickly. Take a look at the video below and let me know if you’re going to try it out; I’m currently rocking a Note 4 as my daily driver so I’ll have to wait. Leave me some comments with your experiences on Slang. You can download it here.


  1. Hmmmmmm. Looks cool. It’ll be interesting to know what percentage of the purchase price slang keeps. If its cheaper than ebay and you can get the same exposure to potential buyers they may be on to something.

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