After entering the pickleball paddle market with its uniquely-shaped 16mm paddles, Maverix has returned not only with a new hybrid shape series, but also an evolution of the Havik series, now utilizing a 15mm core. Among the 15mm core Havik paddles, we now have the Maverix Havik-15 All Court, as well as the paddle to be discussed for this review: the Maverix Havik-15 Pro.
Maverix Havik-15 Pro Specifications
- Paddle Height: 16.5 in
- Paddle Width: 7.5 in
- Core Thickness: 15mm, P3 Polypropylene
- Grip Length: 5.31 in (up to 6 inches usable length)
- Grip Circumference: 4.125 in
- Average Static Weight: 8.1-8.2 oz
- Hitting Surface: aw Carbon T700 / Dupont Kevlar Fiber Blend
- Hybrid-thermoformed construction
- Perimeter foam injection
- Retail Price: $180
Pop and Power
One of the main differentiators between Maverix’s Pro series and All Court series is found in the paddle face. The former utilizes a more ambitious, raw carbon and aramid fiber blend, and the latter sticks with a tried-and-true, raw carbon fiber face. For the Pro, this woven blend helps generate a bit more pop and power than found in other Maverix paddles.
Another reason the Havik-15 Pro creates more pop is its 15mm core thickness. It is common to find paddles with more pop at ≤ 14mm and more control-oriented paddles at 16mm or greater; Maverix found success in between to increase pop and power. The Maverix Havik-15 Pro may not be as hot as many of the paddles from other brands that have recently released, but, at intermediate to advanced levels of play, it remains capable. When testing against paddles like the Joola TA Mod-15 and Gearbox Pro variants, I never lacked the confidence to compete in hands battles with the Maverix Havik-15 Pro.

Though the Maverix Havik-15 Pro may not possess the largest sweet spot of all of the brand’s paddles, it is still solid and relatively easy to control. In fact, while playing primarily with the Havik-15 Pro, I was able to expand my repertoire as far as strategic placement of the ball on the opponent’s end.
I also enjoyed a lot of down-the-line rolls with a two-handed backhand and found an increase of successful forehand around-the-post shots using the Havik-15 Pro. I will disclose that I struggled initially with roll shots in general; but, with time, I was able to dial the paddle in for more consistency.
For drops, dinks, and resets, I found no issues with the paddle itself. For the most part, I was able to keep all low and over the net. If there were any of the three I had more difficulties with, it would probably be third and fifth shot drops. Being that I noticed more success with resets than drops, which is the opposite of how I usually play, I attribute this more to technique rather than the paddle.

I did not find much area for improvement in the Maverix Havik-15 Pro. If I had to nitpick, I would say that the Havik’s octagonal shape may not be for everyone. Though the shape helps reduce swing weight below the average elongated paddle at its static weight of 8.2 oz, it may take some dialing in since it is not a paddle with which you want to mis-hit.
It boasts a solid sweet spot, but those top corners simply will not be as forgiving when hitting off the mark, as the edge guard will affect return shots.

Additional Notes
- Spin performance and grit durability felt very reliable throughout play. I haven’t gone through other reviewers’ paddle statistic databases to see where the Havik-15 Pro lands, but I would assume — based off of play — that it performs right alongside other paddles we would consider high in RPM generation.
- The Maverix Havik-15 Pro has a unique feel that I have been trying to find the best way to describe. Like the Havik-16 Power, it has a softer feel than I expected; but following that soft feel is a surprising amount of power. It took some getting used to, but once I did, I really appreciated the versatility I was able to get from it. I personally think this could also fit in the all-court category as well as the Havik-15 All Court, but maybe with a little more pop and power.

Maverix Havik-15 Pro Summary
The Maverix Havik-15 Pro is another reliable option out in the market for intermediate to advanced pickleball players. It is powerful enough to defend against the paddles of today — which have gotten hotter — but also possesses the controllability to play assertively and put pressure on opponents.
As mentioned before, I think the Havik-15 Pro still qualifies as an all-court paddle. But if you are worried it will possess too much pop and power, you may want to consider the Havik-15 All Court or Havik-16 Power as safer bets.
I did not play with the Maverix Havik-15 Pro quite as much this year as the recently reviewed Selkirk Vanguard Control, but there’s still some time for more play as Q4 approaches. And I can easily see myself picking the Havik-15 Pro back up a few times in between testing paddles.