Sneaker game f***ed up? No, not really.
You see, sneakers are inanimate objects. They cannot realistically be a game. There is nothing to play here. You use sneakers to play games; on the hardwood, concrete, and blacktop. But sneakers are not a game.
Greed is the game being played right now, and you, as consumers, are the pieces being played with. The worst part? You let it happen — like a moth to the flame. No f***s are given by consumers so long as said consumer gets their pair; right?
“We’re going to make enough Yeezy’s for everyone.”
By saying this they made you believe that you would be able to get a pair. By saying this they made you believe that your ability to obtain a pair meant that now, you wanted a pair. By saying this, they lied straight to your face…and then you said, “I’ll sell my pair.” You’ll come back with the “respect another man’s hustle” line, I’ve heard it before. However, there is nothing to respect by taking something away from someone else only to then say they can have it – for the right price. Yes, there are idiots willing to pay for it. But at the end of the day, it’s all the same thing. From both sides…not just one. It’s greed.
“Did you somehow forget that we all once wore K-Mart specials?”
This isn’t even about Yeezy’s though, that was just an example. Consumerism has clouded the judgement of consumers so vastly that it’s even hit the blogs. Sites once known for integrity and breaking news are now publishing bulls**t pieces about sleeping with a THOT at a sneaker unveiling event and how hard it was to wear some K-Mart specials for a week. Don’t you realize that the majority of our audience is full of impressionable young teenagers only seeking some way to fit into society? Did you somehow forget that we all once wore K-Mart specials? Do you not understand what “lead by example” means? You’re leading them down a path of selfishness and blind devoutness towards a brand(s) that couldn’t care any less about them. That s**t is cult-like.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sensitive prick that thinks everyone should receive special treatment, and most political correctness is ridiculous. I firmly believe that everyone needs to work hard and earn their keep. However, I am someone that grew up wearing K-Mart specials. It wasn’t a struggle though. Yeah, I was made fun of by the privileged kids, and yeah people said my shoes were whack, but that wasn’t the struggle. The struggle was at home, with my single parent working her ass off so she could provide a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my plate. Spaghetti with ketchup and butter was a regular staple in my house (a one bedroom apartment); that’s struggle.
“It’s just hard to sit here and watch people get led around like herds of sheep.”
I fully comprehend business – I run one myself. However, I’m not sinking to desperate levels to keep myself or my site’s content or brand relevant– we aren’t just stirring up some s**t. I’m also not brainwashing readers into only enjoying and accepting products that feature a Swoosh or Jumpman when there are so many great options out there to choose from – especially from a performance perspective. It’s just hard to sit here and watch people get led around like herds of sheep, being told what’s cool and what isn’t.
It’s sick, having to watch people hold the value of inanimate objects such as shoes above the life or well-being of another person. And all because the privileged have spun wearing K-Mart specials into something so horrendous that no civilized human in society should have to endure the pain of lacing a pair up on their feet.
Sneakers were meant to be functional attire. It’s great to enjoy and admire something such as sneakers. To be self-sufficient enough to own a few hundred pairs is awesome; I should know, I used to own a few hundred myself. But to make it seem that if you are unable, or unwilling, to rock J’s or Nike’s then you’re less of a person. That’s just foolish.
People should be promoting a positive message and teaching the next generation that it shouldn’t always be about money, but rather the passion. These brands, the blogs, the community are only glorifying the fact that there are – quite literally – economic levels to this whole sneaker thing. Instead of teaching how to ethically obtain the things you want in life, they are teaching you that the quick and easy route is the best route. Taking advantage of someone’s passion or desire in order to gain profit off of them — this game is played by all sides. With this self destructive structure things will only get worse way before we can even fathom them getting any better.
Sneaker game f****d up? No…not even close. People are.
I remember going into a footlocker randomly one night and seeing the new Jordan’s came out, the 12’s (before taxi) and having the conversation with a man there about how they weren’t as nice as the 11s. He disagreed with me and thought they were way more classic and stylish looking. I looked at the more awhile went home and they just started to grow on me, went back the next day to pick them up. The social media aspects of sneakers now has both its good and bad points. In my opinion more bad then good.
Great piece, but you’re preaching to the choir man, I’m sure a decent percent of people know this already. It’s the same thing with politics (I won’t bore you guys just an analogy) it’s all fucked up. But the reason people overlook things is because they don’t want it to. They don’t feel the to fix it and that someone else will. No one thinks they should spend their time on this. It truly is sad. Great article though
Well said NW. Back when I was in high school in the Philippines, I got made fun of so much for wearing the local brands (Kaypee, World Balance, etc) while my other school mates rocked the Jordans, Flights, Air Maxes, etc. Now that I can afford the ones I want, I can’t even get them for retail because by the time I get to them, the bots have snatched them up and theyre up on ebay for 2X or 3X the price. You’ve inspired me to go back to the fundamentals and value the performance over the swoosh and the jumpman. That’s why I’ve picked up Peaks, loved the Ektios, and still, the Philippine World Balance.
Sheeps get slaughtered
That complex article on how wearing K-Mart shoes for a week was just the hardest thing ever pissed me the fuck off. Like people have to wear those shoes in some places. People would love to have those shoes in some places. Those Catapult shoes look just like the jordan 3s. But because they don’t have a jumpman they’re somehow not even worth wearing? We all buy into consumerism because we love our sneakers, but judging other people who simply can’t afford overprices sneakers(because lets face it, they’re overpriced) or refuse to wear them is ridiculous.
Watching Kustoo’s video about the K-Mart shoes should have put things in perspective for some people.
This article is beyond excellent. Two thumbs up. Life over shoes.
Well said, nightwing! ????????
Great piece of writing, NW. To all the kids out there, don’t worry about how you can “fit in” or what’s cool to wear. I’ve followed NW and Heskicks on YT for a few years now and I’m sure most of the readers of this site has too… check out their videos on how they got to this point and where they were. They get to enjoy the fruits of their labor now. That means kids today should work their asses off, either in school or getting a job to support themselves and prepare for the future. I was made fun of when I was a kid wearing sneakers with 4 stripes… but I turned out OK and I just started stunting the last 3 years and I’m 41 years old now… lol. What I’m saying is take care of business now and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor like NW, Heskicks, etc.
NW’s treatise on sneakers and consumerism… The Kmart thing is like trying to shit on someone for not eating all brand name snacks or foods. Get over it
As a father and fan of this site I am in awe of somethings I see and read. Though I like nice shoes for myself and my son I have a sneaker budget per 4-5 months. Thats the average he may grow into the next size. Since my son plays basketball I want him to have good quality sneakers but I refuse to pay “new shoes” prices. I just wait for the shoes to drop (they all do) to BELOW my budget and then I purchase. My last few purchases were Melo’s $56, Soldier 8 $32, Brandblack Blackhawk $56 and HD 2014 $45. Thats is $530 worth of sneakers for $190, not counting tax. Melo’s and Soldiers to rotate for practice/games with the HD and Blackhawk for casual. By the way, he LOVES his blackhawk’s because they are different. More importantly he loves his shoes and is learning value and what’s important.
I wore drugstore shoes when I was a kid and there is no need for my son to go through that. But teaching your kids the value of things and the fact we need lights, food, rent, etc puts things into a whole different perspective. I would love to buy the new Brandblack Force Vector Mesh basketball sneaker but not as much as I like to eat, put gas in my car and enjoy hot water. First things first!
Such a good article, you took the words right out of my mouth. My skin crawls every time I see one of the “what are those” vines. You’re getting judged on your worth by whatever combination of rubber, plastic and leather you’re wearing on your feet and that’s not right.
If you like something, fair enough, cop it, but you’ve got it twisted if you use it as some kind of status symbol. Meanwhile, the corporate exec types are laughing at all of us all the way to the bank.
I completely agree. If buying 200 dollar sneakers makes you feel good, definitely do it. But that does not make anyone better than another person. You can’t escape marketing and branding these days, and sadly it affects all of us, whether we are aware of it or not.
“What are those” is SO dumb. Anyways people, buy what you like, and don’t let the hype make you cop certain shoes. I used to wear my hyperdunks I got for 70 casually. Ya I wore hyperdunks casually- Don’t judge other people’s sneakers, especially if they can’t afford extremely nice shoes.
The bubble will break in the sneaker market soon. Underarmour and Adidas are stepping thier game up and the exclusivity of Nike/Jordan isnt there anymore. With that said there will always be a market for exclusivity. It may take different forms e.g. shoes, shirts, jeans, ipod, iphones, ipads, but it will always be there. Its why every company has a marketing division.
Please e-mail this to the main people at Nice Kicks, Kicks on Fire, and other mainstream sneaker blogs.
This is easily, hands-down the best article that I’ve read on this site. NW is dropping knowledge.
Sad thing is people care way too much about what others think of them… Instead of buying what they like or can afford they only buying for them likes or for the resale
Very necessary article, eyes and minds need to be opened and enlightened to these things because they even go beyond sneakers.
With consumerism in this age & generation the internet & social media plays a HUGE role. blogs and all these advertisements really brainwash your mind. But what the hell do I know I got brainwashed by Jordan & Nike commercials lol .. Sigh #saveoursonics
TL;DR Is there a YT video to this?
Preach brother!!!! The mainstream has really convoluted what true sneakerheads are about.
Perfect example is
Benjamin kicks.
Look him up
“Don’t you realize that the majority of our audience is full of impressionable young teenagers only seeking some way to fit into society? Did you somehow forget that we all once wore K-Mart specials? Do you not understand what “lead by example” means? You’re leading them down a path of selfishness and blind devoutness towards a brand(s) that couldn’t care any less about them. That s**t is cult-like.”
I think we all know what sites are sole responsible for this bullshit behaviour, as all they Talk about is Nike, as if that are the only SOLE worth COLLECTing or wearing, as if no NICE KICKS can come at a lesser price.
Hopsin – Fly
I blame hipsters.
Ok then…
You gotta understand too though these days you can get badass kicks from places like ross and not spend 200 plus. Example, I got some nike sb for 20 dollars. Full lunar ride for 20 bucks. Got some shaq pumps for 40 dollars. I got a pair of the 2011 jordans for 50. They didnt have these discount name brand places when I was a kid, I had k mart as well. Also I seem to remember shooting an email to nightwing and suggesting a review of the kmart specials everyone was talking about. Of course I got no answer back and lately my comments have been getting deleted but hey, what can I do. In all honesty I rarely come here anymore ayway.
The only one that can delete your comments here is me, and I haven’t deleted any of yours as I’ve told you plenty of times before. I just checked my email accounts, none have anything recent from you at all. This comment is the only thing I’ve gotten from you in months. Since you rarely visit, it shouldn’t really be an issue though.
Im not gonna get into or anything but the reason I slowed down coming here after YEARS and YEARS of following you, was when I got attacked personally and you did nothing about it even after I emailed you several times..I just dont want to be involved in some dumb fight over something as meaningless as shoes. They cover your feet. whats to figght about. Plenty I guess if you write an article like this.
Sorry to hear that. Like I said, I never received any emails from you. Ran an email search with your address and the only thing that comes up are the two comments you left here.
i still have them in my sent folder, it says they were delivered. Im not doubting you, probably yahoo showing why they are the superior email server again. but yea, some DB started name calling names and what have you so i just stopped coming on for a long while. Sold almost my entire collection as well. Have two babies in the house now. jason todd and wade winston (robin) and (deadpool). sold about 50 pair to a place called platos closet for 200 bucks. Some kids got them now which is good!
Congrats! Hope they didn’t low ball you… $200 for 50 pairs seems pretty low. But as long as you’re happy then its all good.
i gutted my jordan collection. I only have the og 3 og 4 and og 6 left, I have one pair of shaq pumps a pair of p rod 8. I sold total 35 pair of jordans two pair of shaq pumps two pair of kd 7 three pair of kobes and three pair of lebrons. for two hundred bucks. while i was in there though a lady said she was going to buy some for her kids and her nephews so Im happy i did it for sure. Two hundred aint a huge amount of money no but honestly I needed the space more than the money. Three boys under six in the house use alot of room you know.
What a refreshing piece to read. Good job Chris!
GREAT ARTICLE!!! … NBA MVP’s & their shoes: Bob Cousy/PF Flyers, Olajuwan/LA Gear, Bob McAdoo/Pony, Big O, Russell, Wilt, Bird, Magic, Dr J/Converse, Karl Malone/Apex, Shaq/
we all would like to blame the retailers or the distributers for why we cant get the sneakers we want but truly its because we continue to glorify the “gatekeepers” of the ruined culture. Usually these gatekeepers are regukar consumers like us who “happen” to also resell shoe. We as consumers must stop giving praise to resellers and popular sneaker celebrities because they only create hype and raise the concern of said shies for their personal gain. If the consumers united to not support resellers for an entire year, we’d quickly see desired results as resellers across the globe would struggle.
I agree, however, the article wasn’t about resellers. They are a small ‘issue’ within the community. But the main issue is people’s thought process and attitude.