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adidas adiZero Rose 3 Gets a New Look


It looks as if the adidas adiZero Rose 3 has undergone some cosmetic changes.

If these are in fact the latest Rose model, they don’t look to different from the Rose 1.5 & 2.5… sort of a mixture of the two actually. If you don’t remember what the initial images showed for the adiZero Rose 3 then you can see them HERE.

Did adidas do the right thing by changing the aesthetics or do you prefer the adiZero Rose 3 the way they were?



  1. well it looks better but hopefully these are a sample so they could still fix it up a little bit but if this is the real model then there is really nothing special to it i prefer the 2.5s instead

  2. Wow, total downgrade, maybe not performance but it lOoks as if they have stripped down a few things. I am totally shocked on why they would remoove the sprint web! It was soo unique. This shoe wont be able to compete with the whole new line up of shoes in its way.

  3. Looks like they’re going with the Sprint frame rather than Puremotion. Very disappointed if they go with this model.

  4. Looks like they maintained the Sprintweb on these. Just a different way this time, not like the “windows” we have seen on the CL2 and the 2.5s. Still dont like em though.

  5. I like them, I’v always loved the bulls colorways and I can imagine to cop these now that they seem to have a decent thick sole.

  6. They look very similar to the 2.5’s, but this is better than how they would have looked with the ridiculous stripes down the back and bottom of shoe. I am more likely to consider these now that they have changed the look again.

  7. I hope they keep the full length herringbone traction. Reminds me of the Fly 23, which was a great shoe. Fly23+more ventilation+better traction=excellent performance sneaker.

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